Used (16)

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This chapter is based of the episode in Euphoria where Rue exposes Cassie for sleeping with Nate

Lastly, it feels great to be back!

"SAM WHATS UP WITH YOU AND STEVE? YOU GUYS SEEM OFF." Sams besfriend asked the redhead. Billy and Sam were bestfriends all their lives. Growing up in the small town, Hawkins, together was something they would forever hold dearest to their hearts; especially after graduation which was next year for them.

They did everything together, and they wanted to have their whole lives in sync. They wanted to have their first kiss on the same day so they can go home and tell eachother everything over the phone the same night, they wanted to get boyfriends around the same times so they could go on double dates all the while, they even wanted to get married and have their own kids so they could grow up and be bestfriends just like they were.

The boyfriend thing came naturally to Billy, she had the long blonde hair, perfect body, perfect nose, and mostly the perfect everything. Sam, she was jut like Billy but there was always just something about her boys couldnt like. They always left her. They were all the same.

She was left over and over and over again that she started to think it was her that was driving everyone away, she didnt think she was good enough or had any redeemable quality in her to make someone love her and actually want to stay, she felt she ruined everything and got what came to her. She cried to her litte sister everynight wondering why she wasnt ever good enough for anyone. Max was there for Sam, Max listened and held her when she cried. She was the only person who would listen to Sam. She was the only one who ever stayed. That was until Billy tried to set her bestfriends Steve Harrington and Sam Mayfield up together.

Sam started dating Steve at the end of sophmore year, it was the end of the school year but the beggining of summer. They spent the whole summer together inlove and everything was perfect. Atleast it was perfect for Sam.

The beggining of her junior year and his senior year, they couldnt stand to be around eachother longer than 30 minutes. It wasnt healthy, the arguments they would have every single day over the smallest, pettiest things.

Now that it was nearing the end of their school year, things started to get more violent and nasty. Small things like grabbing her arm a little too hard at his house, shoving her during arguments they would have in her bedroom, and the silent threatning when no one payed attention to them behind the school building.

All that started to escalate. Every harsh grab, turned into a choke. Every push and shove became and a slap or punch across the face. Every silent threat, became an outspoken reality.

"Uh, Me and Steve are not really speaking to eachother. We're broken up." Sam replied, poking at her tray of food in the big cafeteria of Hawkins High. "Wait, again!? Dude this is like the third time this month." Billy was always aware of their on and off relationship, especially since it was becoming more frequent.

"Yeah, well, i wasnt really keeping track of my breakup record with 'King Steve'." The redhead mocked his name with air quotes, putting more emphasis on the end of her sentence. "Wait, so hes actually single now? Like you guys are done for good?" Billy leaned foward in her seat as she was grilling the girl about her recent breakup, seemingly more interest in his availability than her bestfriend of 17 years.

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