All I Ask (1)

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soundtrack for this chapter: All I Ask - Adele

*oc's name is Lilah in this chapter, so just a heads up and if you wanna change the name imagine that it's your name instead*

IM ON MY WAY to the trailer park im all too familiar with, my bestfriend Eddie has been wanted for murder and me and our friends have been trying to figure out how to stop Vecna before he takes Max or Nancy again. After countless days spent in Max's trailer, everyone had decided to take a day to get proper rest and bathe themselves before we do it --- risk our lives for town that has only ever treated us like trash.

I pulled up infront of the trailer and heard my favorite sound; Eddie. Muttering sounds and harmonizing while mimicking the guitar to one of our favorite Metallica songs, Enter Sandman. It was only faint, mainly because im outside. I knocked and almost immediately I was let in by none other than my bestfriend, my favorite person. I smiled feeling tears well up in my eyes. I know Eddie saw them too but merely just let me in and embraced me into a hug.

"Hey Princess." He said in sly overconfident voice, i've always loved that about him. "Hey Munson." I spoke as i ruffled his hair sniffling while letting a small giggle to conceal my sadness i felt. We came to the conclusion that Eddie, Dustin and I were going to draw the demo bats away while everyone else finished their end of the plan so we can move to the next phases of our master plan. Eddie wanted to play his guitar, because by god, if he was going down in an alternate dimension, he was going to go down doing the thing he loved most. Playing his guitar, his music. I wasn't so fond of the plan because what if it didn't work. What if this was it for him and I. What if he never knew that I have always loved him, his geekiness, his stupidly long campaigns where he would have me wait in the parking lot for hours so i can give him a ride home so we can hang out after.

"Hey why do you look like your about to tell me your dying, you look awful. Look like you have been crying. Have you been crying?" I could tell he was trying to lighten the mood by insulting my looks, it worked. Partially.

"Um im jus really scared Ed's."

"We all are sweetheart. But hey this our chance to be heroes and save this god forsaken town am i right?" He was smirking. How can one still be so hopeful and witty in times like this.

"No I know. Im not scared for me or everyone else. Well i mean i am but-" I inhaled a shaky breath as I tried to finish what i had to say. I had to tell him.

"Hey hey hey, don't cry. Lilah, it's going to be okay. Im going to be okay. You're going to be okay." He gripped my shoulders as I gathered the last big of confidence and courage I had to get my point across.

"Eddie. Im scared for you! What if something happens to you while we're down there and I can't help you or save you. What if i lose the only person who has ever made me feel okay. Who's ever made me truly know what it's like to be wanted." I looked him in the eyes and he looked shocked at what i had just said. "Lilah, your not going to lose me. Im going to be okay. We're going to be okay i promise. Nothing is going to happen to me." He hugged me around my neck as i wrapped my arms around his torso. "Don't make promises you can't keep Munson. Please that is the last thing i for you to make a promise and that promise be broken." I spoke into his chest stifling the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes.

eddie munson [one shots]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora