Solution (17)

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Part 2 or 3 to Stolen irdk :/

AFTER DOING WHAT HE DID TO HER AND HER BAND, the tension and mean, brooding, comments got even worse and more frequent. Everytime they passed eachother in the halls, the would take the time to throw stupid insults at eachother. Both bands annoyed with the other, they both tried to get even.

After Corroded Coffin stole their gig, The Loyals stole two of theirs, and after that, Corroded Coffin stole three. And so on, and so on, and so on. It was stupid. The night club manager started to notice the pattern in their behaviors and cut them off completey.

"What are you doing here?" Eddie said slightly annoyed and disgusted that Cassie was in the same place as him.

"Im here because the owner emailed me and asked to see me, you?" The same distaste in her voice as he had in his. "Same, thats weird." Rolling their eyes at eachother, they kept their distance as they walked into the closed night club during their lunch. The owner was perched at the bar, patciently waiting for the pair to walk in. "Ah, there you two are." Getting off his resting arms, he stood up straight and cleared his throat.

"Look theres no easy way to say this," He started, the two band leaders sharing a confused glace. This better not be what they thought it was. There would only be one reason that he called both of them here. Especially at the same time.

"I dont want either of your bands playing here anymore." Resting his arms back onto the counter, Daryl exhaled rubbing the bridge of his nose expecting a screaming match between the two teens. "Wait- what?" Cassie was shocked and kinda hurt. This was the only way she could get big, this was her only chance and Eddie ruined it for her. "The customers dont like that they see more of one band than the other, they said something was off and that it wasnt something they would want to continue to come and watch. Your losing me customers, kiddos."





Their voices overlapping with eachothers, giving Daryl a headache. "ENOUGH! The both of you." The two heated teens fell silent at the raise of his voice. "I dont want you playing here anymore, thats final. Now get out. Thats all i needed to say."

They both turned heel and walked out of the night club, sending daggers at eachother as they got into their cars and driving back to school. Sixth had already started.

The rest of the day, it was unsafe for either band. If one saw the other in the halls it would end in a screaming match. Gareth and Rylee were proof as they got sent into the pricipals office during class during multiple ocassions.

Both bands were lost. They had no where to play and their only chances at a big break were gone. They needed to find a way to keep playing at the Hideout. They werent going to let it slip away from them this easily. They all wanted out of the shithole town, and this was the only way to get out.

At lunch, The Loyals brainstormed every possible way to keep playing. "How about if we play at that coffee shop, just outside of Hawkins?" Sam suggested. "No. I highly doubt that people in a coffee shop, a very quite and calm area, would voluntarily host a metal band like ours." Angie said to her in the nicest tone she could muster withing herself. "How about we just win over the owner again? Like we can prove to him that we wont be doing petty shit anymore." Hopeful in Rylees suggestion, Cassie thought the whole thing through, it could definitely work.

"Wait but wouldnt we have to work with the enemy...?" Angie wasnt wrong. They would have to work with the enemy. "Oh yeah no way! We're not doing that, lets think of something else."

"There is nothing else, Cass. We literally went over every scenario we could think of. This is by far the best one." All the girls backed up Angie. No way was she going to work with Eddie, this was not what she agreed to. "How about you set aside your raging sexual tension with him aside, and just try and work together. I mean i can speak to the weird kid Gareth. Hes in my class." Rylee said. Sexual tension? There was no way that Cassie and Eddie had that dynamic. Thats stupid, she always hated him and he always hated her. That just how it went. It's how it would stay.

"Okay first, nothing about mine and his relationship screams 'raging sexual tension'. Second, ill think about it." Poking at her fruit, Cassie couldnt believe she was actually considering setting her differences with him aside.

For the sake of music, she thought. How hard could it be?


The last two days, The Loyals and Corroded Coffin sat together at lunch. It wasnt all that bad...atleast for everyone other than Cassie and Eddie. They hated that their friends didn't share the same hatred that them two did. They all started to get along so fast. They weren't all that bad..they just needed to talk to eachother, not scream at eachother. Cassie and Eddie couldnt go thirty minutes without having to insult eachother.

"Okay can you two stop arguing like a married couple, and help us with coming up with a plan?" Ang said, only teasing after the sexual tension comment Rylee made a couple days ago. "We do not!" Eddie said, moving another three feet away from Cassie. Rolling her eyes, she decided to leave her input, hoping everyone would agree.

"Okay how about we host a fundraiser?" Cassie knew that she wanted to remodel the stage in the club, and get better bathrooms. Both were dirty, breaking, and very very small. Whenever they tried to get ready before their gigs, there was no room and it was always cramped. As for the stage, there was a hole to back, it was so small it barely fit our equipment. Once our amp fell of the side and now my blue-ish and black amp, had a dent in it.

"Fundraiser? For what?" Gareth asked the girl not understanding where she was going with this. Apparently Rylee didnt either, which she shouldve because she was always the first to complain about these things. I think she only said that because she has a thing for Gareth now...

They all saw it, inlcuding Cass and Eddie.

"The money could go to remodeling the stage and the bathrooms. Yknow, since theyre run down and small?" Eddie smiled at the idea, but his smile dropped still confused how that benefited all of us. "What does that have to do with proving ourselves to Daryl?"

"We could perform together, like we could actually have be civil with eachother and prove to him that we can go a long time without wanting to rip eachothers head off." Both of them smiling at the idea, knowing this will have to work. Everyone eyed the two who were smiling and staring a little too long at the other, sharing the same weirded out glances.

Oh they were so going to be together after this fundraiser.

Atleast thats what everyone else thought...Cassie and Eddie...they just thought maybe the other werent as bad as they thought.


Hello sexies!! im back after a VERY long hiatus. I've been very busy with school and extracurriculars (that i just quit:))
so now i'll have extra free time outside of school and academics to update.

This was still a very long awaited chapter for @katroshka1
and i will update this soon again because i have a good idea for after ;)

love you my sexy chikibabies! until next chapter ;)

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