Talk (3)

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*I am open to requests for this so if you have any ideas leave them in the comments or feel free to DM me the request*

WARNING: May cause sadness or overwhelming anger. Maybe both. It did both for me and im the one writing it😭

"MAYBE YOU SHOULD just talk to him. You have to let him know how you feel and be open with him, communication will get you places," Robin paused to wipe the tears streaming down my face. "and it'll show him that you want to fight for this relationship. If he disregards it then you'll know how he truly feels, and you can move onto better things. Someone who will actually, willingly, fight for you." Robin gave me a weak smile. She was always so good at pep talks when she wasn't talking your ear off from her rambling.

"Okay but what if i do that and he thinks im needy and annoying. Robin for all I know he's probably bored of me. We've been arguing a lot recently like almost everyday. It isn't healthy. Maybe it's just me, maybe im not enough for him anymore." My voice was breaking with the words that were coming out of my mouth, and so was my heart. Eddie and I have been together for almost a year and recently, we've been fighting non-stop. Every day it's something new and everyday it seems like it might be our last night together. But this fight was so much worse. He had been ignoring me or blowing me off for either the club or because he needed "alone time" as he called it. This space and alone time excuse has been going on for a month.

We haven't been on our weekly dates in two weeks, haven't hung out just the two of us or with friends in one. I was getting bored, lonely and sad without Eddie and his stupid names he used to call me or him playing me songs with his guitar or him and I getting high together and enjoying eachother company. I missed him. But did he miss me?

"He's not going to think that babe." Robin cut me out of my thoughts as she realized I was thinking too much I was a crying mess. "Tell him if he doesn't give you the love and affection a girlfriend needs, it's over. You have to stop blaming yourself. Your not driving him away my love." Robin always called me names like this, this was our way of showing affection.

"How would you know!" I screamed letting out a sob. "How do you know that he doesn't love me anymore, how would i know either?" I just wanted to stop feeling like this and get my Eddie back.

"I wouldn't know or you because YOU NEED TO TALK TO HIM!" Robin shouted back to get her point across. It worked because in an hour I grabbed my keys and left my house, headed to Eddie's.

I knocked on his door hoping he'd answer me, being that his uncle wasn't here and to further prove that he wasn't ignoring me or trying to blow me off again. Before i could knock once more, he opened the door. He was in black sweats and a white tank top so i could see his tattoos on his arms. He looked so beautiful. "Hey. Come in." He said moving over to let me in.

"What are you doing here? I didn't expect you to come over today." He adjusted his rings on his fingers being a little habit of his that I picked up when he was nervous or anxious. "I came here to talk to you." I stated flatly, i was going to be heard this time. Not ignored, and so help me if i had to yell or if we had to fight again just so i could get my point across...then so be it. "Look I don't want to fight today, im not in the mood. Today was supposed to be a day where i could have my alone time, not argue with you." There he goes again with the damn fucking alone time excuse.

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