Kickstart My Heart (2)

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soundtrack for this chapter: Master of Puppets - Metallica, Kickstart My Heart - Mötley Crüe, Call Me - Blondie

*oc's name is going to be Lilah Henderson from now on. it's just easier to write like that for me*

Inspo behind: Lilah Henderson loves her music and her guitar, so what happens when she meets Eddie Munson who has the same interests?

SHE PLUGGED IN HER amp, grabbed her guitar and started strumming the chords to Master of Puppets. She loved this song. Metallica was her one of her favorites along with Blondie, Bon Jovi, Fleetwood Mac, RHCP and Iron Maiden and many many others but these were her top 6. She knew how to play every note in Master of Puppets, but was always struggling with the guitar solo. She tried and tried but her fingers never seemed to reach where she wanted them to.

That's how she spent her Saturday trying to figure out the stupid notes and strums of her guitar.

"HEY! Turn your music or whatever is playing down! I can't hear Suzie!" Her little brother Dustin yelled through the closed door. She turned the amp off, unplugged everything, and opened the door. "First off, it was my guitar. Second off, I don't care." She left the door open as she sat herself on her bed and watched TV trying to ignore Dustin still planted in her doorway.

"Hello? Do you need something, why are you just standing there like that?" She laughed as she looked over at her brother. "I was going to ask if you can take me to the school in an hour because the club wants to play-"

"Prisons and Monsters?" She guessed as she looked to her ceiling fumbling with one of her Mötley Crüe cassettes that was on her nightstand. "Um im going to pretend you didn't just insult the game by calling it that. It's Dungeons and Dragons and can you please please drive me. Mom went out to get the cat some food?" She huffed as she agreed and closed the door playing Kickstart My Heart. She changed from her pajamas and got her keys and drove Dustin to where he wanted to go, and that's how she went about her whole weekend.

Her alarm went off. She cried for like 2 minutes after realizing she actually had to go to school despite her cursing about wanting to die rather than going to school. She pulled into the parking lot of the highschool as her brother was exiting the car she told him, "Have a good day incase I don't see you. Love you." he said an 'i love you' back and met his bestfriend Mike infront of the car. She grabbed her bag, turned off her car, and locked it entering the school. First was Chemistry so she made her way to locker to get her books and notebooks before someone bumped right into her.

Ow. She thought as she turned around to see a boy with dark brown hair, jean/leather jacket? I mean the sleeves were leather but the jacket part was denim, and a shirt with 'Hellfire' written at the top with a demon under the words. He must've knew Dustin, since he told me about this club. "Hey can you watch where your going next time?" He spoke fixing his jacket and his hair. "Me? Watch where im going? Your the one that ran into me asshole."

"It's Eddie. Eddie Munson." He had a distasteful look on his face as he turned around already starting to walk away. "Okay Eddie Eddie Munson, watch it next time, alright?" She cursed under her breathe as the bell rang signaling for Chemistry.

She sat down in the back gathering her stuff on top of her desk. 10 minutes into class someone walked in late. Oh my god. Lilah mentally rolled her eyes as she saw who it was...Eddie Munson. "Your late Mr. Munson." Ms. Click spoke. Eddie ignored her looking around the room to find an empty seat. The only one available was next to Lilah. He walked over and sat in the empty seat sitting his bag down and slouching in his seat. Lilah looked over at him to him doing the same shooting her a wide smile. Jesus can this class be over. She thought. "Oh hey. It's you. The girl that rudely ran into me this morning." Lilah kept her eyes to the front as the teacher kept talking about ions or whatever you learn in chem.

eddie munson [one shots]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora