"Are you sure you didn't leave anything out? I want to make sure that they get this asshole". Znhyia smacks Maddie gently, reminding her to watch her language as they are in a hospital. Maddie sighs but doesn't say anything. Instead she goes to Andrea's other side and takes the hand not already occupied and holds it, looking from Znhyia to her before smiling.
"Alright, alright. I won't ask anymore questions...for now. But only because you already had to talk to the police." Znhyia snorts and looks over at the now unoccupied sofa, realizing that Kait and Kayla have both disappeared without a word. She looks over at Maddie who shrugs, knowing that if it was serious they would have been informed.
"So bitch, how are you feeling?" Andrea smiles, tears slightly filling her eyes, just as Maddie begins to worry though Andrea bursts into a fit of giggles, practically gasping for air. This sends the two other girls into a giggling frenzy and to the outside world they all look like lunatics. Znhyia wipes a stray tear from her eye and takes a deep breath, just as she attempts to say something Maddie snorts and sends them right back into a giggling fit, right in time for Harper to make her appearance.
"I see the meds are working wonders, but I don't recall giving you two any." Maddie takes a deep breath and straightens her back. "Oh, this is all natural honey..." One, then two seconds go by before the three girls resume their giggling fit, even putting a smile on Harper's face. Thankfully Andrea had woken up sometime after everyone had gone to bed the previous night, after a few tests it was found that she had no serious injuries... at least no physical ones. She couldn't calm down enough for a checkup so the doctors gave her something to help relieve her anxiety.
"The rest of your tests have come back, and it looks like everything is working properly. We still want to keep you one extra night just to make sure, we can never be too careful." Maddie rolls her eyes, still displeased with the doctor's attitudes from last night. Znhyia glares at her, making a point to clear her throat in an attempt to get her to behave. This of course is futile as Maddie doesn't give a shit, still upset at how Harper talked about Kait. Maddie has made it her mission to basically annoy Harper for the rest of Andrea's stay. Harper, fully aware of what is transpiring, turns towards Maddie and smiles.
"I'm extremely sorry about how I treated your friend last night, there is no excuse for my actions, and I am entirely at fault. I hope you can accept my apology and once your friend returns I'll apologize to her." Maddie, unsure of how to respond, let out a sigh. Znhyia rolls her eyes at her stubborn friend and waves her hand, in a way that shows that the air is clear between everyone.
"Don't worry about it, we were all stressed. Besides, Kait probably doesn't even recall it, she was pretty tired. So let's just let bygones be bygones, right Maddie?" Maddie huffs her displeasure but nod's knowing that it will be better for everyone if she just lets it go...at least until Andrea is deemed fit to leave. Znhyia as if reading her friend's mind shakes her head and looks back towards Andrea who throughout this whole event has been holding in her giggles.
"I feel like I missed something very important but I'm too high right now to care!" The two friends and Harper look at one another before all sighing and laughing, the last bit of tension from the previous night finally melts away and the room feels lighter as they all talk before Harper excuses herself to see her other patients. Just as she's about to leave Andrea stops her, handing her a slip of paper with her number on it, Andrea winks and Harper flushes slightly before sliding the paper in her white coat pocket and quickly excusing herself. Maddie bursts into a fit of giggles while Znhyia looks in awe at Andrea, who smiles happily to herself as she takes a small sip of water.
"Now I know she's high."
"Really, that's the takeaway from that whole exchange Maddie, not the fact that the doctor just ACCEPTED her number, nooo it's the fact that our friend is high off her ass." Maddie laughs even harder while Znhyia rubs her face, already tired and wishing for Kait to return so she doesn't have to deal with this situation alone. Sadly her prayers aren't answered and instead of Kait coming through the door it's Kayla, with fresh food, clothes and coffee, everything looks just bought with the tags still on the clothes. Znhyia looks curiously up from her seat next to Andrea and points towards the tags, raising her eyebrows slightly while a blush slowly makes its way across Kayla's cheeks.
"There's a boutique down the street, Kait thought it would be faster to just buy you girls new clothes instead of driving all the way home just to come back." Maddie quickly looks at the new clothes and smiles, she thanks Kayla and gets up, heading towards the bathroom to change. Znhyia looks closely at her new clothes and sighs, Kayla worriedly bites her nails as Znhyia pulls her phone out in an attempt to text Kait.
"Her phone is dead, she's downstairs right now, but she'll be up shortly I promise." Znhyia nods and stands as Maddie emerges from the bathroom in an oversized maroon colored hoodie and blue jean shorts. Znhyia excuses herself and makes her way into the bathroom, as she changes Maddie and Kayla sit quietly and watch Andrea play with her hands. Znhyia emerges wearing a baby blue oversized hoodie also paired with blue jeans shorts, just as she sits Kait finally returns, also wearing an oversized hoodie and what is assumed as blue jean shorts as the hoodie goes down to her knees. Maddie looks from her clothes to Kait's to Znhyia's and claps her hands, knowing Kait did it on purpose.
"Where's Andrea's?" Kait lifts the white bag in her hand and shakes it gently.
"Here, she can't wear it just yet though but in the future you know damn well we're going out matching." Znhyia and Maddie smile, while Andrea finally coming down from the meds looks towards Kait and frowns. "Why are you wearing matching clothes? You never do that?" Kait smiles and hands the bag to Kayla who sets it down on the small table next to Andrea's bed, Kait also hands over her phone which Kayla quickly pulls out a charger from her bag and plugs it in, setting it on the arm of the sofa before putting her earbuds in and closing her eyes.
"I was out getting everyone food and saw these hoodies, I couldn't quite remember everyones sizes so I just got everyone double XL's, that way we can wear them with, or without pants. Cause you know, pants are dumb." Znhyia and Maddie chuckle while Andrea gently takes the bag and opens it up revealing a black obviously oversized hoodie and a pair of blue jean shorts. Kait smile's, she still looks exhausted but that's nothing new, even if she gets a solid 8 hours she's still tired, but that's one of the many reasons her friends love her. She's like a cat but easier because she cleans up after herself as well as entertains herself.
"I'm ready for a nap." As if on cue Kait makes her way back to the sofa and sits, positioning herself the same as the previous night she sighs but doesn't close her eyes. Instead she watches her friends fawn over their matching outfits, their eyes sparkle with delight and excitement for their future outings.
"We are going to look so fucking cool! We about to run this town!" Znhyia smiles as Maddie starts listing off plans that can be done with their matching fits. Andrea nods eagerly agreeing with every single one while Kayla sits quietly, earbuds still in and eyes still closed.
"Hey, Kait. What if we get a design on these, like each get a word of a sentence! Wouldn't that be cool!" Andrea and Maddie high five at the brilliant idea and look towards Kait and Znhyia expectantly. Kait shrugs, before smiling and nodding in agreement along with Znhyia. "Yeah, it sounds cute, just find a sentence with four words that you think would match us and we can get it done." The girls all happily chat about everything and anything as nurses come and go from the room, every one of them leaving with a smile and a good laugh at the four friends.

"Let's be honest, we made that hospital fun." Andrea says as she hangs her arm out the window, letting the cool morning air flow through her fingers. Maddie nods in agreement as she lays her head on Andreas shoulder, Znhyia sighs and lays her head back against the seat while Kait taps away on her phone. Kayla drives quietly, her earbuds hang around her neck as she taps along to the radio. The girls are exhausted but content as they finally make their way home, of course with a quick stop to drop Kayla off at her apartment.
"Whatcha doing Kait?" Maddie raises her head and leans forwards in an attempt to read what's on the phone's screen. Kait sets it down quickly and turns her head slightly to look at her nosy friend. "Just some ideas that I don't want to forget, nothing special. What do you guys want to do? I already called Andrea's college and explained that she'll be out for a few days."
Maddie sighs and returns to her early position with her head on Andrea's shoulder. "How about breakfast?" Kait smiles and turns towards Kayla, who nods and switches on the turning signal. "I know just the place for us to go." The three girls in the back seat look curiously between themselves and their mysterious friend as they drive deeper into the town.

We hope you enjoyed this chapter, See you next month!! :)

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-The Clover Team

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