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While Build took off, driving around the city without any plan or destination, all of the sudden his phone ringed, blaring its annoying ring tone all over the car as it pulls Build's mind back to reality.

"Biu! Po is about to pop. Come to the hospital quickly!" said Bas at the end of the line in a rushed tone.

Without thinking much, as he pushed his troubles aside he speed over to the hospital that was located slight far from where he was. As soon as he reach the hospital, he park the car right in front of the entrance, frantically rushed in without closing its door and headed over to the VVIP ward.

As he run over to the delivery ward, everyone was there waiting outside including Build who was happy to see his mate but not Build as his priority is his best friend. He walks over to them, especially Bas and starts to ask a series of questions.

Appear to look calm but his emotions were on the surface, Build was in a slightly vulnerable state, a state that Bas was familiar with, hence, he calmly pulls him aside, while asking the others to give him some space as he calmly replies to his questions.

Everyone who was there witnessed Build's one of his rare sights, raw emotions from him that they had never once seen and this makes them speechless. It's like looking at a mother hen being in a protective mode and this goes slightly haywire as Bible stood there slightly turned on by his mate's action.

At the same time, Job, Bible's best friend, one of the top neurosurgeon doctor, who was there standing next to his best friend, quickly nudge his horny best friend while whispering;

"Don't get horny now you slut"

Bible smirk evilly while looking directly at Build who was standing in an authoritative manner. In a blink of an eye, Mile exited the delivery room all smiling, sweating slightly announcing the successful delivery of their baby girl.

Everyone congratulate the couple over and over again as they move their crowding action to the VVIP ward where they waited for Apo. As soon as they saw a heavily sedated Apo sleeping everyone take their leave.

That night, throughout the night up till the very next day, not once Build left Apo's side as he took his place next to him unmovable. Fully aware of his stubbornness, Mile gives way to him as he takes his place on the other side of the room.

On the third day, Apo was able to discharge from the hospital and he was accompanied by none other than his husband and his best friend who never once left his side and baby Peach, name after her obsessed fruit.

Build happily hold Pear in his arm, cooing at her, remembering her cute small features, from his eyes down to her round chin before he hands over baby Peach to her mother.

"You need to take good care of yourself, my brother. Don't neglect yourself alright, and you, phi, treat my best friend like a princess he is, 'cause he is one. Last but not least, I love you little baby Peach, be dear to your parents. Bye-bye"

Said Build as he close the passenger's seat softly, waving at them without wasting any time to hear their words. He then turns and walks over to the lift and heads down to the parking lot.

After that unexpected delivery and goodbye, a week has turned to months and for a solid three months Build isolated himself from the world, including his bestfriends Apo and Bas, like a ghost, Build track disappear overnight.

No one, not even his parents know his whereabouts as he constantly moves around, prioritizes his work and keeps everything up-to-date including the old files and documents.

But the last week of July, Build returned to his office, using a spartan work type he leave no room for enjoyment as his time was packed with work after work. While having an intense meeting and it was at the end of the meeting all of a sudden Gulf's body felt extremely hot and sluggish as well as dizzy.

With a smooth ending to the meeting, he stood up, take a couple of steps but quickly drop one knee in front of everyone, with a heavy breath.

Everyone who was there quickly comes to his aid, especially Mek, Bible's chauffeur who was there automatically appears out of nowhere. He grabs Gulf's left arm and Pear, Build's personal private assistant grabs the other arm and helps him walk over to his office.

As soon as they reach the sofa, Build pushed them away feeling his hotness increase over time and it worsened them as they grab his arms. Without thinking much, he takes off his coat.

Immediately like a good PA, Pear helps him as she pulls the coat away from his body and starts to loosen his tie but this action was futile as Build's body becomes hotter by her touch.

Not liking her touch, Build slightly roar; "Get me my mate" while slightly looking at Mek who was holding his phone, nodded then turn his phone and direct it to Build.

Build with a hooded eye looked at Bible, instantly his breath haggard and his body reacted as it become hotter. Pear who was there touches Build's forehead and quickly retreats her hands and gasps;

"Sir, your body is burning, like lava burning"

Without respond her, he looks at Bible via video call; "Bo, get your ass here!" as he turns to look at Pear;

"Grab me a cold water"

Immediately Pear rushes out of the room while Mek follows as he closes the door and stays on guard outside, in less than a minute, Pear enters with ice-cold water which was down by Build in a matter of seconds.

Yet still, the burning sensation was there lingering around, increasing slowly up to the point of making him lose his mind, but as he was about to do unwanted action Bible rushed inside.

Build look at him like a predator looking at its prey, he walk-run like him and at the same time, Bible who entered the room immediately was assaulted by the smell of his delicious mate and instantly he mirroring Build's action.

They meet halfway, lips connected to lips, fully clothed body pressed on another full clothed body while their hands roam around seeking frictions. As the hungry beasts kiss like there is no tomorrow.

Dominance seeking dominance, they pushed each other towards the sofa and with a wrong step, Build was underneath Bible panting, slightly bruised lips looking up at his man all hot and bother.

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