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Morning has arrived, the Puttha morning routine has begun and with that Build excuses himself but not before informing his parents that he'll be away for a month as he needed to focus on his work.

Build's out of the main house, busying himself handling his company's biggest project that has been weighing on his shoulders for years has finally almost come to an end except for one department that has been rejecting their proposal for quite some time.

"Sir, about the metal department it seems that Sumettikul's company is still in doubt with our quotations and our reasons despite our approach and changing of quotations several times as what they set. What should we do sir?"

"Hmm, they still have doubts about our quotations despite all of those redos and reasons to match with our prototype?"

Everyone in the room nodded their heads in unison which earns an annoyance heavy breath by Build.

"Then let me handle it, give me the quotation file and make an appointment with Sume's company"

One of Build's secretary quickly make a phone call and book an appointment with S company while the meeting continues. But as they were in the middle of their meeting a couple of knocking could be heard that silenced the room.

"Sorry to interrupt Sir but there's a car waiting downstairs and it's from Sumettikul company"

Build was stunned as he look at Gina, one of the secretaries there looking back at him with a dumbfounded expression.

"Sir, the appointment that I booked is at 2 pm today not at 10 am"

Without uttering any single word, Build look at the well-dressed chauffeur slightly tilting his head and raising his left eyebrow indicating an 'explain yourself' expression. In a calm manner, the man replied;

"My president has cleared his morning schedule as he heard that the CEO of Puttha' Car Company is asking for an audience with him and it is his greatest honour wanting to meet with the young CEO himself thus why I'm here, personally picking our VVIP"

"Well then, I guess our meeting for today needs to be halted for a moment until I get back from S Company. Everyone finished up the remaining reports like what you've done previously. Gus, give me the quotation, Nik my coat and Pear my phone"

Mek, the chauffeur look at Build with respect as he instructs his people flawlessly while the rest of them follow suit in a blink of an eye, he walks out of his building and into the expensive car that was parked in front of the building.

Throughout the way, no one talked as one was focusing on driving and the other was trying to keep himself in check and stop his mouth from asking questions that he is itching to know.

As Build was trying his hardest to be collective and minding his own business without asking questions they reached S's main company. Feeling slightly nostalgic yet distant from what he used to see he exit the car.

'It seems that no matter what, I'm bound to enter this company one way or another. Oh Gosh! Let's be friendly to Uncle Tha and hopefully his stupid son isn't here or else I might kick his balls. Oh, I will ask uncle face-to-face why he refused to sign the quotations despite the mends that we've done a couple of times'.

While Build was talking to himself, mentally preparing his questions on wanting to look and sound professional towards his uncle yet at the same time emotionally preparing himself to avoid any hints that can make him look vulnerable in front of his 'enemy' whom he currently hating, he has reached to the top floor.

Build then exit the lift, head over to the President's room as the secretary knock on the door twice before proceeding to push the door open and let him enter. With a slight nervousness, he enter the room and was greeted by familiar and mixed emotions surging within him.

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