Roses and Rumours

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The next day, the trio head over to the hazing room in which they were welcomed warmly together with the others by the seniors. That day, the ceremony of passing down the title of hazer to their new junior has been completed.

While their ceremony has ended, Bas, the peacemaker in the group become the leader of the hazing team whereas both Apo and Build become his equal assistants, the very first in history to have 2 assistants, followed by the community and the rest of the hazing members.

With that being clear and established hence born the name of The Three Iron Clad Hazing Prince and team. Within a month they dominate their faculty, no one, absolutely no one dare to get near their three as they were being protected by their auras, hazing members, friends and course-mates.

As always, Kao, the head hazer, the senior, tries to make his move by getting closer and more attentive to Build whereas Build who was oblivious of the situation, treats him the same as he treats his friends.

The faculty of Industrial Education and Technology is the number one faculty of all other faculties, well-known faculty, as the trio is the centre of much attention. Many students want to be them, while others want to be with them as their plus one.

Yet, none of them could break the invisible barrier that protected them and it was getting obvious as the years go. It was as if the seniors protected them, no, more like one specific person from the three iron-clad princes from afar.

Meanwhile Apo and Bas secretly capture those moments for their evidence. Evidence that they can use to blackmail him whenever they feel like it especially Apo, the joker in the group.

This was known as it all begin in the first year the trio entered the university. Their handsomeness, their auras, and the invisible superiority that surrounded them make it hard to approach them.

Then it becomes harder as Kao boldly signs his exclusive signature on Build's name tag as their hazing weeks start staking his claim on his like-at-first sight junior that he couldn't help but place his signature on it.

After that bold action from Kao who's also known as the devil hazer senior, no one dares to disturb Build or approach him with an obvious intention due to the fact that they will face off with the evil senior.

After that bold action, as if it wasn't obvious enough, Build received 99 roses on his birthday that was delivered right to his class, this action attracts everyone in the university ground.

Everyone including Build, suspect that Kao was the one who sent him the roses through deliveries, not wanting to make bigger news than it already is, due to the fact a bunch of rumours was accumulated plus travel from one faculty to the others, in the end, the whole university knew about it.

Like a true Build attitude he ignores the gossip and nonchalantly received the roses without thanking the receiver as there's no name card on them, he packs the roses up and brings them back to their apartment.

Since then, he received the same 99 roses yearly on his birthday without fail.

As the rumours of Kao and Build bloomed so does The Three Iron Clad Hazing Prince rumours. There is a weird deduction going on with their fans as they call themselves The Princess of The Three Iron Clad Hazing Prince.

Their deduction was various, from thinking The Three Iron Clad Hazing Princes is in a relationship with each other in a threesome, to them being a father to someone else that they didn't know as they couldn't dig up their past or any information that related to their past.

Whatever information they could find, it was like a pattern of a boring and predictable life of the rich. Yes, no doubt they feel jealous of the trio's wealthy lifestyle but it was a fit of mild jealousy as they didn't find any other evidence that could make them feel zealous.

Fully knowing of the situation, as they three come from powerful family backgrounds, it's hard to get any bad rumours or information about them, not until they themselves decided to share.

Worry-free from the rumours that will be buried by other rumours, The Trio live their life fully as the top 3 students in their faculty together with their plate full of responsibility.

Hence with an increase of responsibility, the trio face their university life face on, hands on each other's shoulder, embracing the ups and downs of being a full-time student.

In a blink of an eye, their sweet second-year student life turns into gruelling third-year student life as they are currently at the end of their final semester, which marked their last weeks as a university student.

As they walk out of the examination hall, Build suddenly turns around to face the others and announced;

"Guys, since we've done our last paper before we grad, can we have a get-together by the bar, the one that we often go to and have a final night singing, drinking, just enjoying the final moment together?"

In unison, everyone exclaims, "YES!" at Build's proposal.

"I'll text the time and date in our group chat"

Everyone nods their heads agreeing with him as they walk away from the examination hall quickly before getting yelled at for being loud and not minding the others who are still in the other hall.

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