All Good

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The very next day everything was back to normal, Build woke up slightly later than the other two whom isn't around, he heads over to the bathroom freshening himself and grabbing his belonging before heading downstairs for brunch.

While he was busy munching his brunch, all of a sudden he got a text from Apo saying that they will be waiting for him at home as they have some matters to discuss with him.

He finished up his brunch, and then head over to his Pub and Bistro, gathering his documents in their own respective files before he headed over to his class. Upon taking his seat next to Apo he smirks before pinching him out of nowhere.

"Ai Biu, what is wrong with you"

Without replying to him, he simply smile and stick his tongue out, loving the action of disturbing his best friend who was puzzled at him. Throughout the class, Build relentlessly disturb Apo and by the end of the class, Apo chase after him throughout the hall.

Like two teenagers they run around trying to catch one another, which leaves Bas with their bags and like always he dutifully picks their shits up and heads out from the class to their car.

After a couple of minutes of waiting for them, both of them arrived at the car having a word war but stopped as soon as they saw AA with his hands folded together and a foot tap on the ground.

"Ai pho, thank you for waiting for us" teases Build which earns a loud laugh from Apo.

"Ai pho my foot! More like an old tree for looking old and tall resemble a tree"

The duo laugh their hearts out while Apo hit them on their shoulder slightly and like the drama queen their both are, they cry out in pain, Apo dramatically fall down on the floor while utter; "He hit me, help me, he hit me"

Meanwhile, Build turn around towards the car three time then he moves his arms left and right, pretending that his shoulder is dislocated as it swings like an overcook spaghetti.

"Ai Apo, my hand, I can't feel my hand. Help me, I can't feel my hand"

The once quiet student car park is now filled with two drama queens asking for help while the other student who looks at them, shakes their head and walks off as they know how silly the iron-clad trio could be when they're together.

"Can you two stop embarrassing me?"

Immediately they stop in the middle of their actions to look at him and said; "Hmm, no". then they continue their acting being in pain in a smaller sound while Bas sigh in his can't-they-stop-being-dramatic.

Bas hand over to them and reach out his hands for both of them but Build and Apo stop their activity and walk over towards their own respective car leaving their best friend hanging.

Before they enter the car, both of them in unison "Thank You for carrying out the bag", they look at each other, and in unison they said; "Jinx, you married first" with a dramatic stare they smirk at each other as Build quickly add; "I'll race you".

Once again, Bas was being left behind by both Build and Apo who race but abide by the traffic law till they reach their share 3 bedroom penthouse that no one knows. Meanwhile, back to Bas who once again sighs at his brother's attitude, drives to the nearest drive-thru, buys their dinner and heads back home.

The moment he entered the house, he was greeted by a freshly out-of-shower duo posing like muscle competition competitors where they display their muscles still in their towels.

Bas who was caught by surprise, laughed out at them as he place their bags and their food on the kitchen countertop. He then walks over towards them and laughs out again before he grabs their towel and yanks it off of them leaving them butt naked. Once again, hearty laughter could be heard throughout the penthouse.

Meanwhile the naked duo, smile at each other and high-five before they freely walk towards their own respective room, proud to be able to make their big brother laugh and not annoyed with them.

A couple of minutes later after dressing up, the drama queen duo head over to the kitchen, prep their food on a plate and place them on the table while Bas take his seat and wait for them both. As a family of 3, they begin their dinner together.

"Oh Biu, don't forget that tomorrow we will have a meeting to finalise the junior hazing team before we officially step down and enjoy our senior year of hell"

"Now you complain, this is all your idea you know"

In a mocking voice Build tease and mock Apo by saying;

"It'll be fun he said, it'll be a mark booster he said, it's not that much of a work he said. Now look at us, busy with university assessment and clubs activities that fill with meetings, reorganise and all"

"Hmph, complain now but he's the one who's full of ideas and enthusiasm when it comes to helping around"

"Okay, enough you under-age kids. Finished your food, we need to talk"

Bas waited for a couple more minutes while Apo and Build quickly eat their food dutifully finishing them. After that, they gather in the living room and their discussion begins.

"Both Apo and I, we have this to show you"

Bas turned his laptop to Build who looked at the two images stated before and after. The very same image that was sent by the unknown number.

"As you can see here, the before is the original photo and the after is a crop and edited photo.."

"Where did you get this image?"

"From Phi Mile"

"Phi Mile? Why? I mean, whatever, it doesn't matter really, I will not have this stupid image affect me or what-so-ever. I know both of you worried about me but it's all in the past now. The old me who is in love with Bible, I mean phi Bible isn't here any more so, for now, I'll focus on my study which is important for my future"

The duo remain silent fully aware of his love for Bible yet these little things did affect him, even if it's a small matter since they haven't seen each other nor contacted each other for nearly 3 years. Build fully aware of the dead silence in which he continues;

"So if you are done with this can I go and sent some documents to pho? Or do the two of you want to follow me?"

Without missing a beat, they stood up headed over to their bedroom, and change their pyjamas to jeans and t-shirt, for now, they'll let it slide as they head out for document delivery at night.

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