Water Carrier?

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A pair of hazel eyes look directly at another pair of brown eyes, it was as if they are drawn to each other without them knowing but their hypnotic moment is cut off with the pair of brown eyes turn and walk away from his spot.

Build's mind quickly snapped back to reality, then he slowly turns to look at Apo and try another time to launch his body on him, this time again, he was held back by Gun, his father who hold onto his shirt.

"Enough son, you shouldn't do that to Apo, he's in a vulnerable state now and will continue in about 5 more months"

"Huh? Why?"

Build snap and look at Apo with worried eyes before he stride towards him, take a quick look at his body and as he deducts the meaning. Like a ding of an oven, his brain broken;

"Why 5 more months? WAIT! APO! Are you okay?! What's wrong with you?"

Build look at Apo from head to toe, circle him, checking his legs and arms for any bruises or anything suspicious and his action is once again halted by Bas who knock his head.

"Ai Biu ngo, Po is okay, don't you see him?"

"Then why is he only have 5 more months?"

"That's because he is-"

Before Bas could continue, Tha cut in,

"Baby Biu, do you know what is a carrier?"

"Hmm, we learn at school about it, why?"

"Oh really, then would you mind explaining them to us?"

"Mae, seriously? Why don't you know what is a carrier?"

"I am serious and I know what is a carrier but I just want an exact answer from my clever son"

"Jeez, there's no need to be so dramatic about it. Okay, I'll explain to you, so carrier means a person or thing that carries, you know holds, or even to conveys something. For example, water carriers, or tray carriers that carry food from one end to the other"

Explain Build in a duh voice while the rest of them laughed their heads off at his answer as he look at him puzzled. Straight away, Apo chimes in;

"Mae Tha, Biu ngo, a kwai ngo"

"Tsk, speaking about ngo, your vocabulary is lower than mine Ai'Po and don't forget you skip classes more than I am. But mae, is my answer wrong?"

"No my son, your answer is right but not in the right situation. Anyway, during the special class final week of your high school what did you do?"

"I focus in class as always mae" lies Build as he looks away from his mother which is a clear sign of him lying.

"Kohk!" said both Apo and Bas.

"Biu and Po often skip special class to eat kuaitiao sukhothai"

"It's not our fault mae, the aunty sells the best sukhothai, and she only sells them on that day plus at that exact time so we couldn't help but skip special class"

"That explains it," said all of them in unison as they smile at Build and Apo.

"Dumb and dumber" mumbled Bas.

"Hey! We can hear you, kwai Bas"

"Anyway, we will leave you three to have your catch up and do not, absolutely do not play like a kid understand? I meant you Biu, don't act like a kid, act like an adult, no rough housing or anything"

"Okay, mae" answer Build in a small voice as the rest of the adults walk off from there.

The trio look at each other, smile softly and gently hug each other in a group hug while Build sincerely congratulates his brother.

Meanwhile like a hawk, Mile looks at them three from afar together with his best friend who chuckles softly at his attitude.

"Don't you laugh at me brother, in the future, you'll be in this situation too"

Without any response from his best friend, both of them walk out from there and over to the kitchen area while the trio head over to the dining room munching on their supper as they catch up with each other.

"How are you Biu? You look tired"

"Yea, you look exhausted Biu"

"I'm okay, just slightly tired from going here and there, attending meetings from one place to the other. I don't know man, as our age gradually increases, the energy once that I have soon decreased and at the same time responsibility increasing not to forget the factors of surroundings and all plus missing you two kwai and our families. (Sigh) Everyone is getting married and having kids while I still remain the same, dang, I have a mixed feeling"

"Wow, wow. Biu slow down my allergic seafood boy, since when did you become mature?"

"Oh shut it shrimp head Po, I'm just stating out our situation right now. Anyway, I will not be able to stay for long as I need to fly out tomorrow. So with that notice, I'll go back to my room and get some rest before the two of you grill me about other things. So goodnight darling"

Build take a small bow, rush out from that place in avoidance of becoming the chew toy for the two dogs that aiming at him.

Build head over to his house that was greeted by the house helper who welcomes him happily, with a quick chat and a fast reply he slips away from them and heads up to his own room.

Upon reaching his own room, he takes a deep breath, missing his room he then looks around at the same old interior before he head over to his walk-in closet to grab his towel, head over to the bathroom, take a quick shower, does his skin routine before heading to bed.

He slip himself under the cover, close the night lamp and scoot himself into the middle of the bed and the moment his head lay down on his own pillow he instantly falls asleep. Feeling the warmth spread over him, he snuggled closer.


Ai hee-ah - son of a bitch

Ai wen - bastard

Kwai - buffalo

Ngo - stupid

Phi/P' - Address for someone older

Nong/N' - Address for someone younger

Kohk - lie

Kuaitiao Sukhothai - Thai Noodle

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