The flavour was light, with a note of bittersweet aftertaste spreading slowly from the back of your tongue.

«Yes, we finished just a couple of hours ago.» Nico Robin spoke, taking a seat on the coffee table in front of you.

«And? How'd that go?»

The two teachers exchanged a look you didn't like.

«We weren't able to complete the examination.» Robin informed «There seems to be a seal in your mind that we couldn't recognise. You went in physical distress when we tried to bypass it, so we didn't deem it safe to proceed further. Marco took care of you afterwards.»

Your heart started pounding.

«A seal? What does it mean? A curse?»

«No. It sounds more scary than what it is. The other professors and I have seen our share of curses and dark magic, and whatever stopped us tonight looked nothing like it.»

«But you just said you have no idea what that is.»

«True, but now that we've found it, we can find out. Professor Darcule and I will personally research it.»

«How did this seal end up there?»

The witch shook her head.

«We don't know. You had a lot of unusual encounters in your young life. It's possible that, at some point, you came in contact with a peculiar kind of magic. I'm confident we'll know more soon.»

Your eyes fell on the tea.

«So... you're sure I shouldn't be worried?»

Nico Robin observed you. Her words were kind when she spoke again.

«There was nothing wrong with anything else. Whatever this is, it's not affecting your body, nor your magic. Don't lose your sleep on it, Y/n, and let us take care of everything.»

After a moment of hesitation, you took a deep breath.


You drank half of the tea before properly sitting on the couch.

«May I go back to my dorm now? I feel the urgent need to take a shower.»

Nico Robin smiled.

«Of course.»

«Great. Thank you Prof. Fushichō for fixing me. My debt with the old hag is getting a bit out of control.»

Marco chuckled again.

«No problem-yoi.»

You stood up, fought off the sudden dizziness that came with the action, and walked toward the door.

«Oh, I almost forgot, there was also some protective charm on you.»

Nico Robin's words had you spin on your heels. She smiled at your alarmed expression.

«A rough application, but quite powerful. Whoever cast it must truly care about you.»

You felt your cheeks heating up.

«Huh, yeah, noted.» you murmured before hotfooting out of the office.

As you walked out, you were met with the headmaster and both Prof. Donquixotes.

Wow, I'm a celebrity.

«Oh, Y/n!» Whitebeard rumbled «How are you doing? Did Nico Robin explain the situation?»

«Fine and yes.» you muttered, stopping under his imposing shadow.

«Good. Now you go about with your life, aye? We'll let you know when there's any news.»

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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