"I heard the reason why your girlfriend was so annoyed yesterday, I know it's not my business but it was a stupid reason."

"It's fine, She just got angry that I had my arm wrapped around you, I told her it's not a big deal and she shouldn't take it like that but she's overprotective and gets jealous fast."

"I understand that, but at the same time she shouldn't have been mad."

"She shouldn't have, We had an argument earlier because of that too, I basically told her she has nothing to worry about because I think of you as a little sister."



Hearing those words hurt me to be honest, Nobody ever wants to hear those words from someone they have a crush on. It sucked.

"Well anyways, Do you have everything handled down here?"

"Yeah, I don't need help."

"Okay good, I'm gonna go see Luke." He walked off upstairs.

I sighed and sat down on the couch, Those words kept repeating in my head. He thinks of me as a little sister, Like really?

I'm not the type of girl to go for what I want but now I had to, I didn't want him thinking of me like that.


It's a couple of hours later, I'm in my room looking for something to wear. A couple of his friends were already downstairs, I've just been in my closet rummaging through clothes, I really had to go shopping for more clothes.

I wanted to look sexy for Rell, I wanted him to think differently of me but I couldn't find the right outfit. I picked up this short black skirt "Hmm, I could wear this." I slipped it on and checked myself out in the mirror, It did make me look sexy. Now I just had to find a shirt to wear with it.

I found this white crop top and slipped it on, It made my titties sit up perfect so of course I'm gonna wear it. I sprayed some more perfume on me then made sure my hair looked good before leaving the room, I walked downstairs to the living room where Luke, His girlfriend, and a couple of his friends were chatting it up.

"Hey Ashley." His girlfriend Aliyah said.

"Hey." I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Rell.

"Since you're here now we have a question, Would you ever let someone cheat on you for $1 million?" Isaiah asked.

"Um, I don't really know, I don't think so."

"You wouldn't? $1 million is a lot of money" He replied.

"Yeah, but I prefer love over money, I'll rather be in a loyal relationship."

"Good answer." Aliyah replied.

"I'm gonna get a drink." I stood and walked into the kitchen, I grabbed me a cup and started to pour myself a drink when Rell walked up to me.

"Gonna pour me another drink too." He stood next to me and grabbed the bottle and poured himself a drink "You look good" He whispered.


"Smell good too." He leaned in a little closer.

"How many drinks have you had?" I asked.

"Only three, well four now, why?" He sipped his drink.

"Just asking."

"Don't worry, I'm not drunk" He chuckled.

"Well, that's good." I chugged my drink "Well let's join them." I grabbed the bottle and brought it to the living room table and set it down, we both sat back down.

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