Ch. 100: Night Walk

Start from the beginning

"I just need some air, okay? Stay here with the kids so they don't wake up alone...please?"

He huffs, dropping the pants back onto the chair. He walks over, grabbing my face with a gentle touch. I smile up at him as he sighs, brushing a strand of my hair back.

" careful, okay?"

My smile widens as I reach up, pecking his lips before smirking.

"When am I not?"

He gives me a look, his features staying the same as I sigh. I give him another peck before stepping back, smiling up at him.

"I will...don't worry, okay? I'll be back before I have to be at work..."

"You better..."

I blow a kiss as he sits on the end of the bed, watching me walk out.


The sky is still dark as I walk through the streets. Whatever woke me up is calling me towards a large building illuminated by street lamps lining the sidewalk. The large gate stands taller than me, almost twice my height with wording intertwined with the bars above. Flashes come to mind, all unfamiliar and blurry.

I sigh, looking up at the sign above the gate as my mind clears. Silence fills the night, nothing but calmness soaking up the cool air. I look around, steadying my surroundings as the hair on the back of my neck pokes up.

I feel movement behind me, causing me to turn around fast. A shooting pain fills my abdomen, the smiling face looking back at me.

"I knew you'd was only a matter of time..."

I look down, seeing the blade lodged into my stomach. Tears fill my eyes as I look up at the face of a boy I helped raise. I blink them away, gasping for breath as my mouth opens.


His smile widens, his eyes dark and filled with evil as he lays me back. I feel the cold cement against my limbs, my shock and pain causing me to do nothing as he pulls out the knife.

"Don't worry...I still have plans for you..."

I gasp out, the taste of blood strong as my eyes fight to stay open. I watch as he wipes the blade with a cloth, standing before disappearing into the night. I can do nothing but grip my stomach as the pain becomes to much.


*3rd person*

A familiar girl sits on the uncomfortable bed, her glare hard as she stares out the window. She's been up all night, thinking about the life she missed and what she was. The thought of her sister and mom causes her to sigh, looking away while shaking her head.

A familiar scent causes her to look back up, looking towards the glass window with bars on the outside. A brunette stands outside the gate, looking up at the building before studying the area around her.

Another figure shows up, a blue hoodie covering their face in the dark night. A glint catches the girls attention, her heart rate rising as she starts to bang on the window.

"Hey! Hey!"

The woman turns around, a jolt shooting through her body as the other figure grabs her. The teen's banging grows louder, her voice joining in as her eyes watch the scene outside. She's unable to do anything, except watch as the woman is laid down.

"No! No! Stop!"

Her body is hidden by the fence, the only indication that anything happened being the man standing above her. He wipes the knife, looking down at her before disappearing into the night.

"Help! Help her!"

The door flies open behind her, two staff members looking angry and shocked. The grab her, forcing her towards the bed as she continues to thrash. Her eyes leak tears as they hold her down, her throat raw as her screams continue.

"No! Help her! She needs help!"

"That's enough,'s time to get some sleep..."

Her wrists and feet are strapped down before she's stabbed with a needle. The one with the needle starts to shush her, trying to soothe her as the sedative kicks in.


The darkness takes over, her pleas going unanswered as she drifts off into La-la land.



Dun Dun Dun!!!!!

Did this surprise you?

Did you see it coming?

I hope you didn't lol...

Drink water!!!!!!!!!

-the Author


I found this on Pinterest the other day and found it hilarious

I found this on Pinterest the other day and found it hilarious

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And someone in the comments made this lmao

And someone in the comments made this lmao

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I'm dead lmao!


Good night!

Sleep tight!

And don't let the bedbugs bite, bitches!

-the Author


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