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Savannah groaned in frustration and slammed her computer shut with rage and desperation, tears threatening to spill. She has spent four hours working, or rather, trying to work, and still hasn't found any sense in her writing.

As she feels her chest tightening, she closes her eyes, knowing she's having a panic attack and tries to figure out what she's supposed to do. Suddenly, she sees Jack's post-it next to her calendar, with his sloppy writing, "I'll always be there for you."

She quickly looks at the time on her phone and figures he'll be somewhere between the meet and greet and the actual show so that she may give it a shot. Every second passing without hearing his voice, she grows more and more desperate. Finally, after the first unanswered call, she tried again and again, with the same luck.

In Melbourne, Jack is getting ready for the first show. Jack's phone lights up and vibrates every 30 minutes, but it's left unattended, as nobody is paying attention to it. That's until Ava, one of the crew members comes in and sees the phone on the edge of the table, vibrating and with the screen on. "Jack, I think someone's calling you," she says; by the time Jack gets the phone, the caller has already hung up. "Who is it?" Ava asks; Jack shrugs and gets into missed calls. He's surprised to see 15 missed calls from Savannah and grows worried. "It's my girlfriend." He states and leaves the room, dialing her number with urgency.

When Savannah picks up, his heart stops and shatters. She sounds in distress; her tears are pretty obvious in her choked breathing. "Honey, how are you? What's happening? Are you hurt?" His words tumble out of his mouth without thinking. Please, let her be okay; the tour just started; she can't be hurt now.

"Jack, I tried to call you a million times!" She manages to articulate between sobs.

"I know, honey. Did something bad happen?"

"I just needed to hear your voice. I miss you." She says, her voice small. Now she's feeling stupid because she's bothering him before an important show. "I-I'm to write and can't understand; I got upset and needed to hear your voice."

Jack suppresses a chuckle, knowing she won't appreciate it if he laughs. She wants to be the best, and not understanding something is the biggest drama that could ever happen to her. "Okay, are you feeling better now, sweetie?" He asks. She doesn't answer directly, but he hears a hum. "Breathe in," he hears her inhale deeply, "and out." she exhales.


This time she answers. "Yeah, I just needed to hear you. Go, the show will be about to start." And she's right; he can hear the stage technician give The band the 30-minute call,  "almost on, I'm good for another 30 minutes, love. Do you want me to sing to you?"

"Okay, I guess. Are you sure you don't want to go wish the others good luck?" She asks. Jack smiles because she's so thoughtful. She doesn't want to bother; she's always taking care of everybody else. "I'm going to go tell them if it makes you feel better, okay?"

"Okay. I love you." She sighs, noticeably more relaxed than moments earlier; Jack walks quickly toward Adam and Ryan, gives them a quick hug, and whispers into their ear. "Good luck." They both give him a questioning look. "Savannah told me to wish you two good luck; she wouldn't have been relaxed if I didn't." They nodded. Her breathing's even now, she sounds like always, so Jack lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "But I'd like you to sing one song for me."

"Any song you want, love." He smiles at her simple request. He couldn't get luckier. He's surprised when he hears her answer. "I want you to sing my song." He chuckles.

"I haven't heard it live and complete for a while." His laugh isn't his adorable little chuckle; he's full-on laughing. "Alright, here we go." He picks up one of the guitars and starts playing her song.

"Don't know if words can say, But darlin', I'll find a way to tell you what you meant to me. Guess it was meant to be. I hold you in my heart As life's most precious part."

He finished the song, left the guitar on the stand, and brought the phone back to his ear. "Thank you, honey." She says in a small voice. "Are you crying?" He teases. He knows she is. It's her song, the one he made for her, to play for her for this reason. "You're such a tease. You know I am." She chuckles. "Come on, hang up, look for your crew and check everything to give them an incredible show. Go amaze them, Rockstar!"

"I will. I can't wait till I get home to you, though. We'll cuddle all night." They've been together for five months already. And he wants nothing else than to marry her. He's known that since their fourth date, she cared for people. And on the fifth date, they kissed for the first time three days later. It was so pure and innocent, so full of love, that he couldn't help but plan their life together.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you, too," Jack says. She hangs up, typical of her. She's not into the "You hang up" game. He looks at the clock on the wall and quickly realizes that the tour will start in less than 10. He's happy that it will start up again, but he can't wait to return home with the love of his life. Jack hears Ryan calling him from somewhere distant.

"Jack, we got to be on stage in 5!" He walks toward the tech crew and lets them connect all the necessary cables. When they're done, and Jack jumps in response to the adrenaline rush building up, Adam claps on his shoulder. "First show," Jack responds with a huge, loving smile. "First show for some fun."

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