ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄᴇɴᴇs

52 1 0

sᴀᴠᴀɴɴᴀʜ's ᴘᴏᴠ
It was the first day of filming the music video for I won't, and the guys were also filming behind the scenes for it; Jack was taking a break from filming the shot of him running down the street in different outfits, "would you like to explain why there's a green screen?" Austin asked, and Jack looked at him.

"um, yeah, we are filming different shots, and we want them to look clean and put together them choppy and messy looking, so the green screen helps with making them look similar to each other, so when we add them together," Jack explained; as he was doing that, I was helping Ryan, and Adam get ready for the shots they needed to do which was when they would lay in the street and play random thing as instruments.

"do we have any hats?" Ryan asked as he fixed his shirt; I looked through the mess on the table and found a couple of hats, "ok, or sunglasses," Ryan added, and I looked for those as Adam was letting his hair down. "I want one shot with my hair down," he confessed, and Ryan nodded. Jack finished the shots, and they started to get things out of the cars, and Austin was recording some clips.

"all day, we're going to be working on this," Jack said to the camera as he grabbed the giant pencil they used in one spectacular night. The shots were easy to shoot and only took an hour since the crew would give the guys things instead of them grabbing themselves. Some time passed, and everyone started to pack up the equipment and stuff.

They wanted to shoot some clips are a beach nearby, so Jack and Ryan were dressed in all yellow and Adam in red. Everyone got in their cars, and we started to head to the beach; it mainly was silence between us, the kind of silence where you get a ring in your ear from such silence. Adam was driving, Ryan was texting someone on his phone, Jack was looking threw his bag, and I was on my phone. Finally, we parked, and everyone got out and got their thing, and we walked to the spot that worked the best.

As people were setting the camera, Jack was bored, so he started pretending to play golf until Ryan got in the way, so Jack pushed him away. They are genuine brothers. They began to record, and Jack danced like an idiot as Ryan and Adam stood there like nothing was happening. Jack waved his arms around and almost hit Adam for the second time, so they had to stop. "That was the second time I almost-" Jack cut himself off laughing, and Ryan smiled, joking around for a bit as a break since they had been working since the sun started to shine. "Ok, we going to start again; Jack, don't wave your arms around so much," The cameraman explained, and he agreed, they started once again, and Jack didn't hit anyone in the face this time.

Jack had to go into the water for a take, and he was swimming and jumping around for it, so it wasn't that hard for him; also, because they wanted the sunset with it, they had to work fast so they could get it how they wanted. I looked over at Ryan as he had Jack's hat on without Jack knowing. "I don't know what happened; music used to make me so happy, but now it just makes me elated!" Ryan exclaimed, taking the hat off "that's it, that was the take!" He smiled and walked over to Jack, getting out of the cold water; I handed him the towels we brought for the scene. They finished up, and everyone started to pack up.

One more thing they had to do before they could finish for the night. So we got back in the car, and the guys were talking about tomorrow's clips, and I was on my phone. Before I knew it, we were in front of the house again; we walked to the backyard, where they had set a glass floor for them to use for scenes. That they wanted to record, started with their face on the glass as they were recording small parts, then they would check over to see if they matched up, "go up some, but they are pretty close together," a crew member explained as he watched it over. they decided to end it there for the night. Jack walked over to me "day one finished," he smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. "shouldn't have said that," he mumbled to himself and let go of me to put his hat back on.

"Now I'm in a good mood," he smiled and skipped to the house, I ran after him, and he held the door open for me to walk in; he shut the back door and looked out the window; Austin was recording, so he waved at the camera. Shay approached us, so I petted her head as Jack pulled his shirt off, looked out the door, and messed around. He grabbed his shirt off of the floor and held it up. I laughed, and he dropped his shirt, walked to me, and picked me up. Jack walked over to the door and started to go in circles. I laughed and held onto him, scared that he would fall or drop me; he stopped and started to walk upstairs for the night.

˗ˏˋᴛɪᴍᴇ sᴋɪᴘ࿐ྂ
I walked into the bedroom as Jack was on his laptop editing the clips they shot today. "How is that going?" I asked as I looked in the mirror; he shrugged and typed something in. "It's ok; Ryan sent me the work he did, and I'm adding to it." He explained, and I walked over to my side of the bed. "Jack, just save it and get some sleep; it's 12," I said as I got in bed. He didn't respond and just kept on working. "Jack," I mumbled and turned to him; he looked down at me and smiled.

"I just need to do one more thing," he protested.

I sighed, "but you said that last night at 11, and you went to bed at 2," I argued, and he didn't say anything back. I was happy for the band, I knew they loved to film music videos, but Jack always overworked himself when editing. Always ensure that something was spelled right, did the translation look clean, and made the music matched his lip singing.

After convincing and threatening that I would take the laptop away, Jack finally saved the video and put the computer away. He returned to bed and said, "See, was that so hard?" I asked, and he lightly groaned.

I smiled at him and brought him in my arms, "oh please, if you didn't have me, you would be exhausted," I placed my cheek on his fluffy brown hair. "I might be in the worst state I've ever been in if I didn't have you," Jack mumbled and cuddled into me.

˗ˏˋᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇx ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ࿐ྂ
On day two, on set for the music video, we set up a scene in a small garden in their dad's backyard; Jack was on a bench as Ryan and Adam were behind him, and Jack was making sure they were all in the frame. They filmed that for a while, so now they were working on Jack's parts.

Adam was telling Jack what to do in between takes. It was a boring process since it took a while for them to get everything right, and he sat there singing and moving his body. They finally finished it, which felt like forever. They found a place that would be perfect for the music video, a small patch of woods next to the house, so Jack changed into a pair of black shorts and a white tank top; we walked to the location.

We made it, and everyone got set for the part; Jack was walking around the area he would be dancing. I threw him his hat; he caught it and put it on his head "thanks, Savi," Jack smiled, then looked at the side of where he stood as there was a bug and slapped it away.

They started recording and did it quickly, as only two clips were needed from this area. It was fast and easy. The crew didn't bring so much, so it didn't take long for them to get everything put away, and we went back to the house for them to finish up the last couple of clips.

˗ˏˋᴛɪᴍᴇ sᴋɪᴘ࿐ྂ
The sun was setting, and I was sitting down as Jack was talking to the director about the final plan next to the pool; it was an excellent idea they wanted, and they did it even if it took some time.

It was nightfall, "I'm going inside since it is too cold out," I shouted and walked to the backdoor, "I'll be inside soon!" Jack called from across the pool before they started filming the night clips near the pool.

•.¸¸.•*'¨'* •.¸¸.•*'¨'*•.¸¸.•*'¨'*
I rewrote this chapter because AJR posted the behind-the-scenes video for I won't, and I wanted to change this chapter because it made no sense, in my opinion.

Big white bed ~J.M.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя