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I was sitting there watching as the guys were playing a game for Fuse today on how well they know each other. It started with Jack, "Hey, we're AJR, and we're all brothers; we've been playing music for the last 14 or 15 years, and we're going to play a game to see how well we know each other." Jack explained; Adam started with his question.

"What is my zodiac/star sign?" Jack laughed as he was nervous.

"Okay, ready," Adam asked, and Jack and Ryan started to write on their boards.

"I think I nailed this one," Jack commented.

"one, two, three," they said together and showed their boards; Jack and Ryan's said Leo and Adam's said Virgo,

"nope, you guys are so wrong, so wrong," Adam confessed,

"you know, I was thinking Virgo, but I was copying off of Jack," Ryan admitted. So they started to erase their boards. "You're a Leo," Adam pointed to Jack.

"I'm a Leo, got it," he said and smiled, "I was just thinking about myself for that one." Adam rolled his eyes as Ryan laughed, "that's very embarrassing," Adam sighed; it moved on to Jack's turn to ask his question.

"What is my bad habit? I have many; I'm full of them. I can't even think of one." Jack announced, though many I could name. Like not showering for days or picking his nails, I could write a book about my boyfriend's bad habits.

"Okay, guys, you ready?" As he was ready to show his bored, They all showed their broads. "oh, mine and Adam's are similar," Ryan commented as he looked at each other. "forgets to shower," Ryan read him off. The bottom of it said PUI.

Adam said, "Not changing his underwear-" until Jack butted in,

"let's notice they are all hygienic based, so you can picture me." As they put their boards together, he said, picking his nose. They moved on from Jack's question, and Ryan asked him.

"what is my ideal night?"

They started to write, "Ooh, I think I'm gonna got this one." Jack beamed.

"Okay.q One, two, three." They showed their boards; Jack read him off.

"watch a bad movie and eat wings," only Ryan held his up and said.

"the answer is not showering PUI," they laughed,

"I think we are trying to win the game," Jack joked and looked at Ryan,

"no, you guys got it right," Ryan said, "really?" Adam questioned,

"yeah, that's it," Ryan replied.

"What am I doing when not onstage?" Adam asked; the other two were already ready when Adam finished reading the question. They started to laugh at each other's answers, "going to the bathroom," Adam said as Jack wrote, getting his master's degree. Ryan looked confused until he read his off, "finishing his PHD," and they started to argue.

"What did you get? Oh, you already finished," Jack calcified,

"yeah, I'm already finished," Adam explained,

"you don't know, Adam!" Ryan exclaimed,

"I don't know anything about him! This interview is just helping me realize this," Jack agreed.

"I guess that's more accurate; I think I do this too when I'm not onstage," Adam said, and they moved on to the next question,

"Every moment, you're not onstage; you're in the bathroom." Jack teased,

"always constantly," Adam agreed,

"What is my biggest fear?" Jack asked as it was his turn. They started to write down on their boards.

"oh yeah, we know this one," Ryan said as he was writing,

"don't look at my broad," Jack warned,

"I'm thinking," Ryan protested as he was standing there,

"I saw your eyes, you cheater!" Jack argued. Ryan was writing, and they were waiting on him; they were judging him, "oh, Ryan, you definitely spelled that very wrong," Adam said and shook his head. They showed their boards, and All of theirs said pigeons; they disagreed on how the word was spelled.

"Oh, I'm doing the British spelling," Ryan joked,

"pigeons are the, oh god, I'm not going to go into it, just the worst thing ever," Jack tried to explain,

It was Ryan's turn, and he read off the card, "What is my spirit animal?" They started to think about it and wrote it down.

"very clear on what this one is," Jack said, and they showed it. "Look at him, god," Jack remarked as they looked at him. Their boards said the turtle,

"see right there," Jack went on,

"It's more on physical appearance than my spirit," Ryan confessed,

"he's just a slow but steady human being," Jack explained.

They finished the game. "I'm a little surprised I got wrong about Adam, right?" Jack said and pointed to his oldest brother.

"I'm surprised with my zodiac sign, being that your girlfriend is obsessed with them," Adam explained,

"she is, but I forget since I have a short memory," Jack confessed.

"I think I nailed yours," Jack said and pointed to Ryan.

"You guys got a lot of mines, and everything that I wrote down that you guys did something different, I realized that yours were better answered the mine; you know me better than I know me," Ryan confessed,

"so you're just not as smart as you thought?" Jack asked,

"That's the lesson from this; well, I guess we don't know each other after all!" Jack said before the camera ended, and they finished the video. They handed the crew their microphones, and I got up from my seat to hug each one of them. "You did amazing!" I exclaimed, and they said thanks. The camera person shook their hands and thanked them for coming on and playing the game.

We started to walk back to the car, me and Jack sat in the back as Adam and Ryan were in the front seat. Adam pulled the car out of the parking lot, and we started to drive back to the stadium they were playing tonight. I looked at my phone until Jack began to talk,

"you know, Adam, I have never told you how amazing of a bother you are to Ryan and me," Jack said; I looked at Adam as he sighed.

"No, Jack, we not getting McDonald's," Adam said,

"fuck you!" He remarked as Adam kept on driving back. Jack was acting like a little kid who wasn't getting his way. "Jack grow up," Ryan sighed and looked at him; I held back a laugh;

When we made it back to the stadium, we saw fans already waiting for VIPs, Adam parked the car in a spot, and we walked to the staff-only gate; Jack jumped on the fence and started to climb over it. "Jack, get down!" Adam demanded as he opened the gate; Jack swung his leg over the wall and made it to the other side.

He jumped from the fence, and Ryan shut and locked the gate. I felt Jack wrap his arm around me and walk next to me as we made it backstage. "There you guys at; you're running late. We couldn't let people in since you three aren't ready." A crew member scolded them; they apologized and ran to their dressing rooms to get ready as they started to let fans into the stadium.

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