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୨⎯ᴊᴀᴄᴋ's ᴘᴏᴠ ⎯୧
"I can't believe you told them that!" Savannah exclaimed in the passenger seat of my car as we were driving around New York to pass the time and to make my parents think that we are doing something together. "It was in the moment; I panicked. besides, don't you love spending time with your amazing boyfriend." I cheered, throwing one hand up. "Jack, sometimes spending time with you could cause us to go to jail," Savannah confessed. I rolled my eyes; every time Ryan, Adam, and I wanted to hang out.

It seemed like there was so much to do in the big city, only now it looks like I did everything that it could offer. I possibly know the streets, buildings, and shops in Manhattan. Maybe that is why I like to tour so much, to see what other places offer.

At this point, I was driving on random streets, making unexpected turns, and going where it felt right. Savannah didn't seem to mind as she looked out the window, watching the city go by fast.

"Can't you believe that you're going to be living here soon!" I beamed,

"If I get the job, Jack," she chimed in; I rolled my eyes are her words and moved on from the subject. "You know something funny," she glanced at me and nodded, "a couple of days ago, your ex, the one who was trying to start a fight with you, started following me on Instagram, and I went snooping on his account, and I realized that you like men with big noses." I chuckled at the end; her face started to get rosy.

"Why were you snooping on his account anyway?"

"Why is your face so red?"

"I asked you a question first," she remarked and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Okay, okay, I was wondering what the hell he is like. But I got a better look at him, and we had some similarities. One is that we have large noses, two, we are both tall; and three, we both have brown eyes." I explained, and she shook her head.

"Okay, maybe I have a thing for taller guys with large noses and brown eyes. But why did he follow his ex-girlfriend's boyfriend's Instagram account." She confessed,

I shrugged, "who knows, maybe he is a fan of our music?" It only caused her to laugh.

"hon, a fun fact about him is that he dislikes the band because I was head over heels in love with you more than him." She laughed.

My eyes widened at her, which caused her to laugh harder, "you're telling me that you love me more than your boyfriend. We didn't even know each other" She kept on laughing. "I loved you more than him because I knew that he was cheating on me, so on the day of our second anniversary, I broke with his ass and told him that I knew he was cheating and how I found out," Savannah explained, and it was my turn to laugh.

"You seriously waited for your second anniversary to break up with him! Oh my god, you are something else."

"Now you know about my ex; what about you?" She asked,

"Her name is Alice, and she was a narcissist," I explained,

"how long had you dated her?" I shrugged,

"about a year before we released the click album, we broke up before we went on tour for the album," I explained,

"What was she like?"

"In the beginning, I thought she was amazing; I thought she was the love of my life, only as we got deeper into the relationship, every fight we had; she would play the victim even if it were her fault. She would guilt-trick me into being with her and not leaving her. Mom and dad didn't like her, and neither did Ryan and Adam. I was young and dumb enough to notice how horrible she treated me until my therapist told me it would be better to let the girl go." I explained; Savannah grabbed my hand close to her and rubbed my knuckles,

"any others?" she asked,

"no, I didn't have the time to; I mean, shoot, I was lucky enough to have you," I confessed,

"at least we got each other now." She whispered, and I smiled. "I'm glad you agreed to join me in my wild and weird life." The car was quiet once again; "also, Shay is getting a haircut on Tuesday; I'm also getting a haircut that day, too."

"But I'm going to miss putting your hair in a small ponytail."

"Well, I don't feel like having hair like Adam," I joked, and she chuckled; I handed her the aux cord in my car and "play some music," She connected her phone to the radio,

"any recommendations?"

"I trust your music taste,"

She nodded and scrolled on her phone until the song cuz I love you by Lizzo started to play; "I knew I could trust your music taste." she grinned, and we chatted and listened to her playlist. "I might as well put you on music duty when we are in the car," I confessed as the playlist was a mix of Boywithuke, Lizzo, Bo Burnham, Elvis Presley, Harry Styles, beach boys, and the band music.

"Well, at least someone doesn't think I have weird taste," she confessed; this is a core memory I will always hold onto of our relationship, just the two of us driving around, listening to music, and talking about what the hell we want. We did things more fun than this, but this is what I find joy in.

I smiled down at her as she was texting someone; "Ryan texted me, wanting to tell you to head home soon since he wants to finish working on the song." she explained, and I groaned, "always ruining everything," she giggled and slapped my thigh, "you'll be fine,"

"I think I might die if I have to be away from you or Shay for more than 10 minutes." I groaned,

"Then I'll send shay in there with you," she smiled, which caused me to roll my eyes again.

"I was hoping you would join us, but okay," I sighed,

"quit rolling your eyes before they roll away," Savannah remarked.

Big white bed ~J.M.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora