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ᴊᴀᴄᴋ's ᴘᴏᴠ
How the hell did I end up here? I asked myself when I woke up in a hotel room next to Savannah. All I could remember was running out of the stadium, jumping into a car, heading to the airport, and getting on the plane. Then everything was a blur. I stood up from the bed with the pants I had on last night and no shirt on; I guess I fell asleep before changing.

I pushed open the balcony door, which squeaked a little too loud; I made it big often for me to squeeze through. The warm California air hit me, and I leaned against the railing; the city was busy from underneath as cars were honking and people were walking around; I looked at my phone; I had two missed calls from Ryan and Adam. There was a text from Ryan; I clicked on it, and it turns out I slept through soundcheck, and they couldn't do it since I wasn't there.

I walked back in and shut the door; I started to crawl onto the bed, but I had no idea what to do to wake Savannah up. I sat there thinking of something; I started to flick her hair and nose,

"Jaaccckkk," she dragged out,

"Morning," I mumbled and got off her; she stretched her arms. I stood up from the bed and opened my arms to her.

"you want a hug right now?" I asked, and she looked away from me.

"No," she mumbled,

"Yah!" I raised my arms and laid on top of her as her arms wrapped around me tiredly, "it's 12'o clock," I told her, "I also missed soundcheck this morning because I slept through my alarms." I added

"You want to explore just the two of us until it's three because that's when I needed to get ready," I asked, and she agreed. She got up, and we got around for the day; we soon headed out of the hotel, and the Uber was already there, we got in, and the driver looked like he was in college or ending high school.

He started to drive. The drive was quiet until way less sad played on the radio, and the driver began to sing, "you guys know who the singer is to this song?" He asked, and Savannah looked at me.

"Yeah, actually, you are asking him right now." I confessed, and the guy looked shocked, "you wrote this song?" He asked, and I nodded, "my brother did; he is the one who helps me write songs." The man was still in shock as I explained it to him. "I can't believe I'm driving a rockstar!" He beams; we soon make it to our place, thank him, and say goodbye.

"I don't know about you, but I'm starving," I commented, and she agreed; we walked into the restaurant and were soon taken outside to our seats under a canopy; the waitress took our drinks orders and soon left. "What's your game plan to move me to New York?" She asked.

"Well, first you get a job, then we look for apartments and let you choose, then you and I will fly to Chicago, pack up your stuff, rent a moving truck, and drive back to New York."

"Are you sure you can carry my couch and the other heavy things?" She implied, then I remembered about that. "Well, I was planning on keeping that apartment there, and we take any personal stuff of you and take you to New York, where I will buy you new stuff for your new apartment." I explained, and her mouth gasped "you're serious?" She asked me, I nodded, and the waitress came back with our drinks. We told her our orders, "I think you're spending too much money on me," she exclaimed lowly; I chuckled, "get used to it, sweetheart, cause it's just the start of getting spoiled,"

"but seriously, Jack, don't be surprised with a random expensive gift; hell, get me a box of my favorite cookies, and I'll do just fine." She explained.

I noted that mentally to remember not to surprise her with expensive shit. "I mean, I will find a way to get all of it to New York, I promise," I confessed and grabbed her hand.

"thank you; I am already spending too much of your money." She says; I chuckle at her.

"you're not; I like to surprise you with things."

"Yeah, but you don't have to spend all your money just to make me happy because just being with you makes me happy." She smiled, and her thumb ran over my knuckles; the food came, and the waitress asked if we needed anything else; we said no, and she walked away.

Savannah took a picture of me since I couldn't stop talking about how good the food was. She set her phone down and started to eat. We decided since we still had tons of time left, we could look at the shops around here. When we finished eating, the waitress came to give us the bill, and I was going to pay, but only Savannah denied that I would pay.

"I have money, Jack," she informed, and I shook my head. "I'm paying, and you're not changing my mind." I finalized; she huffed, sat back in her seat, and crossed her arms. I signed the check and handed it to the waitress. As she walked away, I held my hand out for her to take. She looked down at it, and I smiled to convince her to take my hand. She took my hand; we looked deep into each other's eyes. It felt like it was only her and me in this world; the waitress returned with my card and wished us a good day. We said thank you and stood up from our seats.

I helped Savannah out of her seat, and she smiled at me. We strolled out of the restaurant and to the streets of San Diego. We passed a couple of shops until we passed a dog shop. "Can we please go in!" Savannah begged as she pulled me to the shop. I smiled, and we walked into the shop. There were puppies in pens playing together, or people were holding them.

Savannah pulled me to a dog pen, and a nearby worker said we were allowed to sit with the pups. So Savannah and I climbed over and sat down. Puppies came running around to us, and I picked up a tan puppy whose mouth had a little black to it. Savannah had puppies all over her; I laughed at her as she was in her world now with different kinds of puppies around her.

"Can we please get Shay a sister or brother!" she asked and gave me puppy eyes.

"Savi, we can't handle a puppy on the bus," I confessed; she nodded in agreement.

We continued to play with the little fur balls until we decided to leave when we walked out. Savannah was pulling me around to places that caught her attention. It was like a kid in a candy shop but not the wrong way.

The time went by fast, and we had to say our goodbyes as Savannah, Cat, and Emily wanted to hang out as Ryan, Adam, and I would do the VIP and get ready for the concert. Austin came to pick us up and drove Savannah to the hotel to meet up with the girls; when we made it to the front, "bye, love you," I said and kissed her.

She smiled, "bye, love you too," and got out. I got to the front seat, and we waited until she made it inside, and we left. "Savannah, have you wrapped around her finger." Austin joked, and I laughed, "you're not wrong; I think she's the one." I confessed, and Austin looked at me.

"did a fan make the famous Jack Met fall in love with them!" He exclaimed.

"She got you, man," Austin added; I looked at him, "what can I say? She is everything I want in a girl." I never really talked about my love life since I was not that great at dating; I usually talked about it to Adam and Ryan. During interviews, we try to keep our life private, but sometimes something slips, becoming a whole conversation.

Big white bed ~J.M.Where stories live. Discover now