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୨⎯ Jᴀᴄᴋ's ᴘᴏᴠ ⎯୧
It was early in the morning; Ryan and I were on a live stream, talking about the tour and answering questions, Adam was getting a shower in his room, and Savannah was still asleep. The bed was in the camera frame, so with every move she made, the live stream could see;

I would pull off as Shay was in bed even though she wasn't with us. Ryan and I laughed at a comment about the concert until someone asked in the chat, "who was that girl on your Instagram yesterday? Everyone thinks that pretty weird?" I laughed the comment off and tried to brush it off until the whole chat talked about it.

"I think she is the girl from that picture where they were close to each other."

"On Jack's Instagram, he posted pictures and videos of her and tagged her in them."

"I got their ship name, Jaavannah!"

The chat was full of shipping us together. So when Savannah called out my name, "Jack?" I looked behind me and walked over to her as Ryan distracted them by talking about how he would do a production breakdown stream at the end of the tour. I bent down to her as we were face to face.

"You have to be quiet, Savi; we're on a Livestream," I whispered to her; she looked at me and nodded. "we're about to finish," I added, and she closed her eyes and turned around. I smiled at her and walked back to the desk where Ryan had set his phone up. I retook my seat and continued the stream until we decided it was time to end it.

"Thank you for joining us today on this live stream; we will post on social media throughout our two-day break," Ryan exclaimed as I butted in, "just a reminder, our next concert is on June 4th, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We will see you then," Ryan ended the Livestream and got out of his seat, gagging, "What's wrong?" I questioned.

"Jack, when was the last time you had a shower?" Ryan gagged out,

"7 days ago, I was doing a science experiment on myself," I said as a joke and looked at my phone. Damn, people are already posting about the live stream on social media.

I'll probably look at them when we return to New York. I woke up Savannah, and she got herself around for the trip back home; we packed up a couple of things and cleaned up some of the trash. We met Adam with his luggage next to the elevator, and we went to the lobby, where we waited for our car to pick us up. The front desk had a celebrity gossip channel playing off the radio as I listened.

"The indie-pop band AJR put on a fantastic show for 12,000 fans last night. Though fans are curious about this mystery girl on their social media and very close with the lead singer of the band, Jack Met."

I sighed as I wouldn't say I liked the gossip channels always trying to get in your life to find drama or start rumors. I felt Savannah put her head on my shoulder while editing some things on social media. I looked down at her phone as she posted a picture of us all before the concert with the caption saying, "stuck with these guys for a couple of months, this going to be a hell of a ride." I smiled to myself as she posted it on her social media.

Big white bed ~J.M.Where stories live. Discover now