25. M.I.A.

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"Jisung, that's not what I meant!" Sam tried to clarify.

"But it is what you said! Am I not allowed to tell Minho things about my life now?"

"Of course you are, you are just interpretating my words differently from how I mean them. I just miss knowing everything about you."

"Do you feel entitled to that? To know everything about me just because we're friends?" It came out a lot meaner than Jisung intented to, but now there was no way back.

"Excuse me? I always knew you were a brat, but that doesn't mean you have to act like one."

"Did you just call me a brat?" Jisung was clearly offended.

"You know what? Yeah, I did! You could've just said you're uncomfortable discussing the topic or that you're jealous you weren't 'first' but instead you started attacking me. What a shitshow of a friend are you?!" Sam fumed.

Jisung wanted to say something back, but he couldn't come up with a counter agrument. He just stood up and slammed the door shut on his way out as a final statement.

"I hate him!" Jisung shouted as he entered Minho's dorm again and slammed his door too in the process.

"Wow, wow, wow! Everything okay? What happened?" Minho opened up his arms for Jisung and hugged him.

"I got into a fight with Sam." Jisung cried into Minho's chest.

"A fight?"

Jisung nodded.

"I've seen you two fight before. You guys bicker like a married couple sometimes, I'm sure it will be over soon." Minho tried to comfort Jisung, but it didn't work at all.

"It's not like that this time, he hates me!"

"Didn't you also just say you hate him?"

"I do hate him." Jisung backed away and folded his arms.

"What did you do to make him say that he hates you?" This was Minho trying to be insightful for Jisung, but instead Jisung got even angier.

"Are you on his side now? I thought you were MY boyfriend? Or do you actually do have feelings for Sam that you decided to keep quiet about?" Jisung knew he was aimlessly attacking, but he couldn't help himself in the state he was in now.

"Hey, that's not fair! I was just trying to help you! Where is this suddenly coming from?" Minho didn't wait for a reply to continue. "You know you're the only one for me, so you can get the fuck out or calm down while I'm still asking nicely."

Jisung was very taken aback by Minho's reply. He didn't know why he thought Minho would be more mindful and try to talk it out first. It scared him a little to see Minho get triggered so easily.

Then he knew. Jisung had expected Minho to react the same as Sam always did. But Minho isn't Sam and Minho had a very different background when it came to conflicts.

"I'm sorry Minho, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it, I'm sorry. I let my head get the best of me, I'm sorry." Jisung begged Minho. He couldn't affort to be fighting with Sam and Minho at the same time.

Minho sighed deeply, "It's okay." And even though Minho forgave Jisung that easily, he wasn't letting Jisung touch him yet.
"Did it also happen like this with Sam? Because I can imagine he would get angry with you. You took it too far for no reason at all."

"I'm an idiot, I'm a fucking idiot." Jisung knew it sounded like he was trying to guilt trip Minho into pitying him, but he felt really pathetic for the way he behaved. He really was an idiot.

"Mind telling me what happened?" Minho carefully reached for Jisung's hand again, still wanting to comfort his boyfriend.

"In my defense, I was defending you." And then Jisung told Minho what happened.

"Jisung, I love you, but you are an asshole." Minho sighed. "He was just explaining his situation, why did you get so offensive?"

Jisung thought about how he was, in fact, jealous of Sam doing the deed before him. He didn't exactly understand why.
He did know that the reason why he got so offended was that he cared a lot about Minho. Jisung wanted for no one to ever say anything bad about Minho ever again.

"You have to apologise to Sam." Minho concluded.

Jisung could feel the knot in his stomach becoming tighter. He was angry at Sam, but he was angier at himself.
"I know I have to... but I don't want to!"

"What would you say to me if I was in a situation like this?"

"I would stick by your side no matter what."

Minho chuckled, "yeah, I can imagine you would blindly stick by someone even if they are in the wrong."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jisung angrily pouted.

"It means you would do anything for those you love. Speaking of which, do you care about Sam?"

"Of course I do! More than anyone in the world." Jisung paused. "Well, I mean, besides you."

"If you care about him that much, wouldn't it be better if you apologised to him first? Go to him and tell him you're sorry."

"What if he doesn't accept my apology?" Jisung didn't want to think about the consequences of his own actions.

"Then you get on your knees and beg like crazy." Minho smiled. "I'm kidding, he will definitely forgive you, don't worry."

"How do you know he will?"

"Is there a time where he didn't?"

Minho made a pretty good point. Out of all the arguments Jisung and Sam had had, they always made up. When the first one started apologising, the other always followed.

"You're right." Jisung stated. "I should probably call him."

Minho nodded.

Jisung pressed in the numbers he had memorised by heart. Sam had been his only friend for a while, how could he not remember the number he had to call almost everyday.
Jisung pressed call and waited for the phone to go over a couple of times. That didn't happen though. Jisung heard the first tone and then the automatic this call has been disconnected message.

Oh no.

"Sam wouldn't have... blocked me, would he?" Jisung asked Minho worriedly, pressing the numbers again.

The phone went over once and then went straight to voicemail again.

"He probably thinks you want to argue more and just declines your calls." Minho was trying his best to comfort Jisung, but the truth was, he didn't know Sam that well to predict his actions like that. "Maybe you should try his dorm? See if he's still there."

"I can't do that. If he's ignoring my calls, or has blocked me, then he definitely hates me. I can't go see him, I can't. I'm so anxious I'll probably juggle my words around and won't end up saying something good."

Minho could see that. "Want me to go with you to help you calm your nerves?"

Jisung could see that working, except for... "we can't, he'll probably think I'm asking my boyfriend for backup, I really do need to go alone."

Fuck. Jisung was feeling anxious and also very stupid for pissing off his own best friend like this.

Unfortunately when he finally gathered the courage to go find Sam, he was nowhere to be found. He wasn't in his dorm. He wasn't under the big tree. Not in the library or local coffee bar either.

Sam must have really wanted to get away from Jisung to hide like this.

It was working very well, because Sam was missing and Jisung really started to worry.

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