33. Room 0.325

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New adrenaline rushed through Jisung as he frantically tried to gather his stuff. He was stopped by Sam midst in his tracks.

"What are you doing? We have to go!" Jisung tried to pull himself away from Sam, but Sam tightened his grasp.

"Jisung, you can't. You're not his boyfriend anymore. You can't show up in his life whenever you want to, it'll will just hurt him."

"But I want to be there for him!" Jisung's eyes filled with fresh tears. He was surpised there was even enough fluid in his body to cry so much.

"He made a decision. If you want to be there for him, you should respect his decision."

Jisung knew Sam was right, but he hated it. Defeated he let himself fall on the couch. Sam sat down next to him and wrapped his arm around Jisung
"I know you're hurting and I know what you're thinking. But you can't get back together with him, okay?"

"Are you still thinking this because of what Yeonwoo said?" Jisung didn't want to look at Sam.

"Of course not." A pause. "Okay maybe." Sam admitted. "Lewis set the record straight and explained it to me, but Yeonwoo couldn't have known because Minho never told him. I just don't want you to get hurt."

Jisung shook Sam's arm off his shoulder, "but Minho did tell me. He trusts me and he needs me."
Though Jisung felt like getting up, he remained seated, knowing Sam would stop him anyway.

"We'll discuss what to do with this later okay? I have to get back to my other classes. Promise me you'll stay here?"

"One more thing." Jisung said.

"What is it?"

"When did it happen?"

"When Minho...? Yesterday evening, he's been in the hospital over night."

Jisung hated that Sam knew it all while Jisung knew nothing. How could he be the last person to know? It was awful.

"Just promise me you will stay here until I get back from my other class." Sam urged.

"Hm, whatever, go to your stupid class."

Sam hesitated but ended up leaving anyway.

Jisung waited until he was sure Sam's class had started. Then he grabbed his coat, phone, wallet and keys and headed out.

Though it was early when he left, it was almost two in the afternoon when he arrived at the hospital. Stupid public transportation. As soon as he could he ran inside to the front desk.

"I'm here to see a patient, Lee Minho." Jisung was still catching his breath. "What room is he in?"

"I'm sorry, visiting hours for friends are from four in the afternoon until eight. You can wait here if you like?"

"But I'm his boyfriend! Please let me see him!" Jisung knew they had different visiting hours for direct family and partners. Even if Minho still was his boyfriend, he wasn't a registered partner, so he wasn't sure if it would work.

The receptionist seemed to hesitate as well, but then tapped on her keyboard and said, "He's in room 0.325, please be quiet when you enter." Then she looked directly at him. "Also don't tell anyone I sent you there, I don't know if this allowed."
Jisung thanked the receptionist as much as he could before hurrying over to Minho's room. At least he had two hours before Lewis was allowed to visit Minho.

When he got to the room he hesitated. Sam's voice warned in the back of his head to not visit Minho. That this is not what Minho would have wanted.
But before Jisung could really overthink it, he was already inside Minho's room.

As soon as he saw Minho his thoughts went quiet. Minho was sleeping, but he didn't look peaceful. He looked drained. As if someone had put a straw into Minho's veins and sucked all the blood out of him. He had never seen Minho this pale.
Jisung slowly walked to the bed and sat down next to it. Upon closer inspection he saw that Minho had purple spots on his neck. He didn't want to see it, but he kept looking. Somehow Jisung felt like it was his fault.
If I haden't given up so easily... if I had just stayed by his side... I should have been there for him.
Jisung carefully lifted Minho's hand and wrapped his own hands around it.

"I'm sorry for being selfish. I'm sorry for not taking care of you and I'm sorry for going against your will and visiting you anyway." Jisung whispered. Some of the words got stuck in his throat as he choked up again. This time his tears didn't come out, all his tears had been used up already. Jisung bowed down and rested his head on Minho's lap.
There he fell asleep.

He must have really needed it after all those sleepless nights, because he was woken up again two hours later. Visiting time.

"Jisung, outside. Now!" Sam hissed and grabbed Jisung by the arm.
As Jisung was getting dragged away he saw that Minho was sitting up, he was awake. Minho was looking at Jisung. But instead of Minho's pretty brown eyes, two dull black holes stared at him. Minho's face was entirely expressionless and pale. Lewis was sitting besides Minho's bed, with his back towards the exiting Jisung.
Before Jisung could even say anything Sam had already pulled him outside the room.

"How could you do that? I specifically told you not to!" Sam looked angry, but also concerned.

"How could I not?!" Jisung argued. "I love him, please let me see him!"

"I don't think that's a good idea." Sam stated, crossing his arms.


"Jisung, you lied to the hospital staff about being his boyfriend! Have you gone mad or delusional?"

Before Jisung could yell back, Lewis stepped outside and turned to Sam.
"It really wasn't a good idea for Jisung to come here."

"I know, I tried to stop him. I'm sorry."

Jisung couldn't help but get angry. Sam and Lewis were conspiring to keep him away from Minho? Who do they think they are?!
Well, he could understand Lewis, he was Minho's best friend. But how could his own best friend not stand beside him?

Lewis shook his head. "Don't be, I know it must've been hard. But..." Lewis then turned to Jisung, "Minho wants to see you."

"Are you sure?" Sam started. "Even if he wants to, it's probably better if he-" Sam was cut off by Lewis.

"I know. But he wants to. I don't know if he wants to talk to Jisung, but he wants to at least see him. Let's just do as Minho asks." Lewis was stern. Jisung could tell he was very worried about Minho and that right now Lewis would do anything to make Minho feel better.

"Thank you Lewis." Jisung said and grabbed the doorhandle.

Lewis grabbed Jisung's arm. "Don't say anything first, if Minho wants to talk he will. Do not upset him by rambling like you always do."

Jisung had to admit that those words hurt his feelings, but he nodded. It didn't matter though, all he wanted to do right now was to see Minho.

It's okay if I can't talk to him, just seeing him is enough.

Jisung put his hand on the doorhandle again. From the corner of his eyes he could see Sam step forward to follow him into the room, but Lewis placed a hand on Sam's chest to hold him back. "Just Jisung."

Jisung pushed the handle down and entered the room.

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