Lena reaches her hand out and rests it gently on Kara's thigh. "I've noticed that you use that language a bit: using someone, taking advantage. I guess it begs the question... do you feel like I - or anyone else for that matter - take advantage of you?"

"No, no. Absolutely I do not think you take advantage or use me. Honestly, it's been me using you. And then Alex started by encouraging you to pay for things. I- I just don't like it when friendship and relationship start out with... unrealistic expectations. I don't want you to pay for everything all the time. I don't expect you to drop everything if I'm struggling with something. I- I just want us to be just us."

Lena hums and thinks it all over. "I think I understand what you are saying, but I also want you to know that I'm going to try to be there for you. And I will frequently buy you things. It's how I share my love. I never thought that you expect it from me, but if it genuinely makes you uncomfortable, I promise to try to keep that into consideration. And it doesn't even matter that Alex encouraged it because the sneaky little shit left money behind. I think she used it as a tactic to lull me into a false sense of security."

"I'm glad she did. I'm not here for your money, Lee."

"You made that abundantly clear on day one. I had to convince you to let me even give you a ride," Lena smiles.

Kara smiles back. Her hand wraps around Lena's and squeezes. "I will do my best to adjust. I- I'm not used to accepting help... especially like that."

"Neither am I, darling. I promise to do my best, too. I think we just need to talk about it whenever it comes up, alright?"

Kara nods her head before pulling Lena's hand up to kiss her palm. "Thank you," she mumbles.

"Anything else you want to share with me? Or talk about?"

Kara shakes her head. "I take it my dream isn't an issue then?"

Lena gives her a sultry grin, "Not in the least. Although, I am going to demand each and every detail of future dreams of that nature."

Kara's face burns red.

"Was there another one already?" Lena teases.

Kara is quick to shake her head no. "I- I just... I'm not sure how I'll handle any... future dreams."

Lena moves herself closer to the woman. Her eyes drop to Kara's lips. "Well, I expect you to handle it by telling me about them. And if we are both in agreement, maybe we can even make those dreams come true."

Kara surges forward, closing the gap. Lena holds back her chuckles to return the kiss eagerly. Her hands hold either side of Kara's face to pull her in closer as her legs move to straddle the blonde again. This time, these kisses turn rushed, heated. Kara's big hands fall to Lena's waist, fingertips digging into soft flesh. Lena starts to lean in to get Kara to lay back fully. Her teeth scrape against that lower lip before she moves her mouth along that jawline. Lena's tongue traces down that tendon from Kara's ear well into her neck, nipping as she goes. Kara's hands slip under Lena's shirt, dragging up her bare back, touching as much skin as possible.

When Lena's progress is halted by the annoying fabric that's hiding more of that warm flesh, she treks up the other side of that long neck to whisper in Kara's ear. "Maybe we should move this to the bedroom. If you want to take this any further, that is."

Kara's panting heavily. She wants nothing more than to feel that mouth continue its venture. She nods enthusiastically and sits up, forcing Lena further back in her lap. Her arms slide down from Lena's back to scoop the woman up from under her thighs. Kara stands with minimal difficulty and smirks when she hears a whining whimper escape from the woman.

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