I looked at the floor in silence before I was compelled to talk by an unknown pain in my heart.

"Why are we like this?"

The therapist looked at me with compassion in his eyes.

"Oh Pink you know you've been through a lot..."

The look on my face made him stop talking and I continued.

"I...um...guess I worded the question weirdly...Why are Pink Addison like this? Mean, dismissive, abusive?"

I looked at the therapist in desperation and for a split second he looked taken aback.

He gave an eventual sigh before saying.

"Because they don't know they can be something else. It's all they know...It's all you used to know.."

I started to mess with my hands again but I remained in desperate eye contact with the therapist as he continued to speak.

"You can't blame yourself for your circumstances. They mold and shape you whether you like it or not. In the end you are still a product of your circumstances but, you are also a product of you . A product of all your aspirations and who you hope to become."

I felt like asking the hard questions today. "Why don't they hope to become different?"

The therapist stared at me with sad eyes. "I wish I could tell you I knew why but, I don't. All I know is that you can only control yourself...And if you let your light shine bright enough it can cast out any darkness."

"How can I let my light shine if my candle is burnt out?"

The therapist smiled. "Find a different light source."


"Find a different light source."

Those words echoed in my head as I exited my therapist's office and made my way out to my car.

I buckled my seatbelt and had started my engine before I noticed her staring at me. I tried to roll my window down but in a hurry the old crank handle of my car had gotten stuck.

I awkwardly waved to Orange as I wrestled with my car. I could see her trying to stifle a laugh.

Finally I conceded and opened the door of my car and stepped out. Something I guess I should have done from the start.

As I got out of the car I was able to get a good look at Orange as she gave a small laugh.

She was wearing a slick black suit and around her neck was a fashionable dark orange scarf. I, on the other hand, was wearing a half washed shirt and had just struggled for five minutes to roll my window down.. To add insult to injury, next to her was parked a shiny navy motorcycle. My face felt hot.

All of that had happened in a split second and as both my feet finally hit the ground she had stopped laughing.

Was it just me or were her checks slightly darker?

Anyway, I broke the silence by gruffly saying. "What are you doing here?"

She squinted her eyes at me. "I was going to see if you'd like to get lunch with me on my break. But if you'd rather sulk with your rusty car I completely understand."

My face felt even hotter with embarrassment. "It's the only one I could afford with the money I have left..."

Orange smiled. "Then let's ditch ol' Mater for a second and get lunch. Or do you think he would get jealous?"

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