VI || News

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For the few hours I've been alone, I was sitting on the couch and re-watching 'All of Us Are Dead.' I don't know why, but I just miss it, okay? Okay! Anyways, after finishing quite a few episodes, my dormmates return. I shut off the TV and turn to the door.

"Hey!" I say. Sumin smiles and gives me a wave.

"Hey. You're back early," Riley remarks.

I nod. "Yeah, I didn't have to train today."

Looking puzzled, Riley sits beside me on the couch and tilts her head like a confused dog. "How come?"

Now would be a good time to explain everything. I motion for Sumin, who is placing her shoes by the door, to come sit with us. She sits on the other side of me and looks at me expectantly.

"So..." I begin, "Today I was offered a spot in a two year old JYP group."

Riley's jaw drops. Sumin's eyes widen.

"And I took it," I continue. "So I'm going to debut under JYP Entertainment soon!"

Sumin squeals, squeezing me. "I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" She shouts. "CONGRATS!"

I smile as Riley also hugs me. Both girls are grinning, looking super happy and excited. As Riley pulls away from the hug, tears drip from her eyes.

"Why are you crying? You never cry!" I ask as Riley wipes her tears.

"You'll be debuting in another company," she says, sniffling. "We won't see you as often."

I squeeze Riley's hand. "I'll make sure we meet up once in a while," I say. "Don't worry."

Sumin gives Riley a hug. Wow, I didn't know Riley liked me that much. I've never seen her cry before, let alone even seem sad.

I know they'll be missing me. I'll miss them too. But an opportunity like this shouldn't be passed up just to live with my friends for a while longer. I'll see them soon. And who knows, maybe they'll debut by then as well!

"Well, when will you be debuting?" Sumin asks me, as she holds Riley's hand tightly.

I shrug. "I don't know yet. I'll be meeting the other members tomorrow, though."

Sumin nods. "Cool!" She says. I nod, only now realizing how anxious I am. What if they don't like me? What if I make a mistake? I would never be able to debut beside them knowing that they dislike me. Sumin looks at me. "You should get to bed. You don't want to be tired!"

I nod, slowly getting up. Sumin is right. I check the time, and it's 10:00 PM. I really should get to bed if I want to be well rested and make a good first impression.

"Goodnight, then!" Riley smiles at me, not seeming the slightest bit upset anymore. That's more like her.

"Night!" Sumin says.

"Goodnight," I reply.

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