III || The Offer

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It's 6:45 AM the next morning, and I'm on my way to the practice room where CEO Park Jiwon told me to meet him. I rush down the hallway connecting most of the main practice rooms, to the room I'm supposed to be in.

I'm not exactly sure why I was told to meet here. I'm actually pretty confused, not to mention anxious. I mean, what have I done that would land me in this position? Must either have been something really good, or something really bad.

I can feel my my heart racing as I turn the doorknob of practice room 4. I slowly open the door, peering inside. I see the CEO and a few other staff members in the practice room. They all look my way as I step into the room

"Ah, Jisu!" CEO Park Jiwon smiles at me. "Welcome! Please join me over here."

I bow, heading towards the center of the room where the CEO stands. "Hello!" I say.

CEO Park Jiwon dips his head. "Well, I'm sure you're curious why you're here," he says.

I nod, eagerly waiting for an explanation. I have some suspicions. Maybe I'm here because of my brother? Jungkook is pretty famous, It's not unlikely that CEO Park Jiwon wants to talk to me about him. Or maybe I'm in trouble. Maybe I missed training too many times? Maybe I'm being kicked out of the company? Am I not improving enough? Or... am I going to debut? No, that can't be. I'm not ready to debut!

"Well," the CEO begins, "JYP Entertainment has a big offer for you."

My eyes widen, and I listen intently to hear the CEO's next words. A big offer? What could that mean?

"Have you heard of the girl group 'Bloom?'" He asks.

I try to think of if I have, but the name just doesn't ring a bell. "No, sir," I reply.

"Exactly," the CEO continues. "Bloom has been around for two years, but almost no one knows they exist! And further, they're a JYP Entertainment group, so you'd hope they'd make it big. But unfortunately for them, they haven't." 

I nod, listening closely. What could I possibly have to do with this nugu group? They're not even under my company.

"So, being Jungkook's famous sister, or... the 'Golden Trainee,'" he adds the last part with a small smirk. "JYP has offered you a spot in the group."

Confused, I stay silent. A spot in the group? "But sir, how would that work? I thought they debuted two years ago?"

CEO Park Jiwon nods. "Yes, but it isn't unheard of for groups to add a member later on. You would debut as Bloom's added fifth member to hopefully give the girls some popularity."

I nod. I understand now. This would be something similar to how Red Velvet debuted as a four member group, but Yeri joined later. Since Bloom is so unpopular, I would debut with them to bring the popularity to them, seeing as I'm already well known because of Jungkook. It makes sense now.

"So..." the CEO presses, "what do you think?"

I sigh, considering the offer. I have the chance to debut! But the group is super unpopular, and under another company. Plus, they've known each other for years. But still... I can help them! I love helping people! It would be good for all of us.

And so, I think I'll choose to debut. Actually, I'm positive I'll choose to debut. This will be amazing for the members of Bloom. And for me, it will be life changing.

I nod. "I'll do it. I'll join Bloom."

The CEO smiles. "I thought you would! I'll contact JYP Entertainment right away and inform them. I'll message you with any updates. For now... practice. You'll need to perfect your skills before you switch companies."

I nod, bowing. "Thank you, sir!"

"No problem!" CEO Park Jiwon replies. "Go on, get to your training. You don't have much longer as a Hybe trainee."

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