9. Hidden Rebels

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The rumor that Davyn Grant meant safety against Nicholas Harkin swept Saint Agnes Academy like a warm spring wind. There was no source for the initial claim, but since it proved to be true, Davyn found himself constantly surrounded by various people in between classes, and especially after it.

His peers weren't pushy. They mostly walked by him, giving him enough space to maneuver, not trying to engage him in conversation or demand something of him. It suited Davyn just fine, because once he saw the look of frustration on Harkin's face, he would've asked them to do it anyway.

It was probably the threat of more suspension that had initially kept Harkin and his gang at bay, but once other people started getting between them, there wasn't actually anything he could do. It became apparent in the way the guy's face turned darker every time they would meet in the hallways. It didn't help that other students started jeering at him, feeling safe and brave. For one shining moment, there was hope that they could get rid of him.

But of course, this couldn't last long. Davyn suspected it hit him hard in his extorting profits when he could no longer bully people for money. So it only took a few days for him to damn the crowd and approach Davyn head on.

"You think you've won, asshole?" he said, the words barely making their way out through his clenched teeth.

Davyn quirked an eyebrow. "I wasn't aware we were holding a competition."

"You think that the fact that I can't outright punch you keeps you safe?"

"No, I think that me being unable to outright punch you is keeping you safe."

"You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into," Harking growled. "Snitch Gravel--"

"Can kiss my ass. If there's anything he wants, he can say it to my face. What is he doing anyway? Running a gang of unruly high school bullies?"

Harking grinned, and it sent a shiver down Davyn's spine. "You really think he's confined to this school? This is peanuts for him. But disrespect? I'd sleep with one eye open if I were you, kid."

For a moment Davyn wondered if he'd gone too far. If this Snitch Gravel really was up to much bigger things, he could wake up dead in a ditch. But when he realized the prospect didn't scare him, but made everything seem a bit lighter, he smirked back.

"Good thing I don't really sleep then. Now, unless you want to ask me out or something, get out of my face."

"What did you say to me?"

Davyn had had enough. He grasped Harkin's shoulder and squeezed the spot he knew would hurt like hell. "I hope this is the last time I have to say this. Fuck off and leave me alone. And if you had some brains, you'd just graduate and get the hell out of here. How much longer do you think your mommy and daddy can justify you hanging around minors?"

He stumbled back, sucking air through his teeth. "You are dead. Mark my words."

Davyn reached out his arms. "Have at me then. But then me beating the shit out of you will be self-defense. And this time, I have an entire crowd to back me up."

There was laughter and cheers coming from the crowd, nods of approval that they had his back. Harking gritted his teeth and finally stepped away.

"I'll get you. If it's the last thing I do." And he turned his back and left with his cronies, the crowd jeering.

Davyn only lingered for a moment, taking in the mass of potential victims. For a moment, his gaze locked on bright blue eyes. Golden French is and a curious expression. He didn't stop, but as he headed for the exit, he realized Millie had been in that crowd, and she hadn't been alone. There was some guy next to her, one he hadn't had the chance to analyze. But maybe she wasn't as alone as he'd first thought.

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