"Hello my love, I-"

"Make it quick, Vince."

Carlo snorts.

"Angelo stapled my foot."

"Oh no!" She screams. This couple right here? Yeah, it confuses the shit out of me. "Come to Leo's house. I'm helping Kara right now, you know she's due on the twentieth. Bring Angelo too. I'll help you, love. I know no doctor would ever go near those grippers-"

"Love... I'm with my friends."

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" She apologizes. "Be here soon, though."

"Okay," He sighs and hangs up.

Carlo bursts out laughing and Al asks, "Is this why you always wear socks?"

"Vince, have you ever thought of surgery?" Matteo tries to help.

"Remember when we went on that mission in the Bahamas? Yeah, my foot got stuck somewhere and some dude decided to torture it, I cut a lot of skin getting it unstuck. Now it's ugly." Vince explains. "It's not the foot you stapled though."

We're all silent for a moment. Then there's uncontrollable laughter for no reason. Vince rolls his eyes. "Get up Angelo, you're in trouble."

"You're such a snitch." Then I realize she's with Kara doing pregnancy things- so that means Amira and Viola are with them because they're best friends. Which also means... I'm about to get a beating by four fairly strong and trained women. "Oh, fuck."

"It's sinking in." Matteo grins.

"What is?" Carlo asks.

"The consequences of his actions."

"Shut the fuck up." Why do I surround myself with idiots all day? I should be out, killing people. I miss that lifestyle, fuck you, Ava.

I get up and Vince follows me out the door. Carlo mutters, "I'm not missing this." And the rest of our girl gang gets up and meets Vince outside to drive to Leo's.

"I hate you guys," I sigh, halfway to Leo and Kara's.

"Is that why we have personal rooms in your house?" Vince drawls sarcastically.

"Shut up."

Carlo chuckles.

"What if we got T-boned?" Matteo asks.

Vince is driving, I'm in the passenger seat beside him, Alessandro's behind me, and Carlo's behind Vince. Matteo sits between them for once, taking Carlo's place because he got here late.

"I hope they come from the left," I state.

"You love me?" Alessandro asks hopefully.

"No, I only value my life."

He rolls his eyes.

The rest of the ride I contemplate the various ways I could kill these guys. We arrive at Leo's house twenty minutes later and now I'm sitting in the living room, listening to Iris tell me how much it must've hurt for Vince to endure that pain... yet Vince drove here, odd.

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