I wish I never associated myself with them, I should've just waited until marriage. Forgive me God for living in sin... and still living in sin. Also, for knowing damn well I'll still fuck a cute guy when I see one after apologizing for living in sin.

My phone beeps.

A text from Athena asking if the girls are still coming later. I reply and give her full details of the time and how long they'd be able to stay.

I think Athena has met someone, though she won't spill the very nasty beans. This family is full of sluts, me included. Let's not forget about basketball star Aiden Johnson.

Slut, slut slut.

I decide to call Marianne, see if she could come over. I don't know what I'd do if I spent any more time alone in this house. I'd probably burn it down. I've never been angry like this before, do I even have a reason? Do I even need one?

"Hola, Hermana!" Her bright, annoying, loud, obnoxious, cheery voice beams into my ear.

"Mm." I roll my eyes. "Hola, come over."

"What happened to, 'how are you doing?' What if I'm busy, hm?" She says. "We literally just saw each other yesterday, you know I have a case-"

"-Sole's here." I saw the way she looked at him yesterday, I'm just testing a small theory. "And he's kind of third wheeling."

Weren't you just going on about liar Teo?


Marianne has been silent for the past thirty seconds.

"Just to make sure you don't jump to conclusions, I am only coming over for three reasons: I've been working all morning, my brain needs a break. I'd feel bad if it were me third wheeling and someone didn't come to save me. And I like spending time with you." She says and I start to grin. "Not. And I repeat. Not because Sole is there."

"Don't lie to yourself." I try to set her up. "The guy is attractive, nice smile..."

"Alana." Her annoyed tone almost makes me laugh. "I'm a successful lawyer, I basically invented that shit. You're trying to set me up so I start talking about him and his beautiful eyes, silky blonde hair, and perfectly straight white teeth that compliment his even more perfect smile. The way he looked at me yesterday was so- hey! Fuck I wasn't supposed to-"

She's cut off by my atrocious laugh. It's always entertaining talking to this dumbass. "How the hell are you so successful?" I stutter out through my loudening amusement. She was silent and I could tell she was getting fed up. "No, please continue with your description."

"Whatever, I'm coming over." She hung up.

And for some reason, that only made me laugh more.


Marianne and I are now shopping for dinner. We need a whole bunch of groceries to surprise Matteo with and then we'll spring the juicy questions on him while he's deep in his chicken.

When Mari got to the house, she was pissed off that I lied to her and even more annoyed that I used Sole. When she got over it, we brainstormed questions to ask Matteo. Then, we drove over to the store after thinking of a dinner plan.

"Think we'd need gummy worms?" She annoyingly asks.



I shake my head.

"Patches? Gum drops? Straps? If not we could venture off to chocolate."

"We're not here for sweets."

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