Chapter 14

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3rd Person POV

Percy woke up about 4 hours later after a restless night of sleep. After getting himself somewhat presentable, he walked back down to the casino to continue their mission on retrieving those demigods. 

Once he made it down to the 8th floor, he saw Annabeth in a far corner talking to the two demigods. It seemed that she was building an acquaintance, as it was probably better than them just walking up and telling them that they were demigods.

 Percy walked over, and greeted Annabeth.

"Hi Annabeth."

However, she ignored him.

Percy raised an eyebrow.

"Helloooo" he said. waving his hand in front of her face. "Annabeth!"

"What?!" she snapped.

Percy was taken back by her outburst and widened his eyes.

"You good?" he asked.

"Perfectly fine" she said rolling her eyes. 

"Okay..." he said suspiciously but decided not to prod any further as to not incite her rage any further.

"Who's this?" the girl in front of Annabeth asked.

"Perseus Jackson" the gray eyed demigod responded with a bit of distaste.

"Geez, what'd I do? You were fine, like, 5 hours ago."

Annabeth elected to ignore him, and instead focused back to the two demigods.

"So anyways, we're gonna get you outta here" she said with a smile.

Percy raised an eyebrow.


"You guys seemed busy, so I decided to finish the task and get on with the Quest before we had any more distractions" she replied, with a bit of extra emphasis.

After a few moments, the two demigods and Percy had been informed of Annabeth's plan to escape, and the demigods, who's names were Nico and Bianca, left to go prepare for their escape.

"What's up with you?" Percy asked, slightly concerned.

"It doesn't matter" Annabeth replied quickly, and walked off, leaving Percy more confused than ever.

As Annabeth walked away, she couldn't help but remember the scene she had watched unfold in Piper's room a few hours ago.

Annabeth had been quite bored after Percy had left, and when she saw Percy carrying Piper to her bedroom, she couldn't help but feel a slight tinge of jealousy. After a few minutes of waiting, she went to go get him and do something. Once she made it to Piper's room, her door was open, something which was quite odd.

Annabeth, being the naturally curious daughter of Athena that she was, peeked inside. She regretted it almost instantly. 

On the floor were Percy and Piper furiously making out. After watching in shock and dismay for a few seconds, Annabeth turned around and ran into the elevator. While it wasn't right for her to be mad at Percy, she couldn't help it.

In that moment, she realized that she had liked Percy, for a while now. His beautiful eyes, his physique, and they way he could make her smile so easily, like it was second nature. A tear escaped her eyes, but she wiped it off. 

No, she wasn't going to let this get to her. Annabeth had experience heartbreak before, with Luke Castellan, her crush since she was 8. After almost 7 years,  they had dated, but he had ended up cheating on her in the first 6 months of their relationship.

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