Chapter 3

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3rd Person POV

"What?" Percy asked in disbelief. "Those two are Olympus fanatics. How have they never gone on a quest?"

Chiron shrugged. "I wonder the same thing."

The two walked to Chiron's room to call Annabeth and Piper and inform them about the Quest as well.

Soon, Annabeth and Piper arrived. Annabeth Chase was tall and athletic, with storm-gray eyes that seemed to pierce right through any deception. Her long, blond hair was tied back in a ponytail, and she wore a Camp Half-Blood T-shirt with jeans and sneakers. Piper McLean, on the other hand, had an effortless grace about her. She was a bit taller than Annabeth, with kaleidoscopic eyes that seemed to change colors with her mood. Her choppy, brown hair framed her face, giving her a casual, yet striking appearance. She wore a simple but stylish outfit: a leather jacket over a T-shirt, skinny jeans, and boots.

"Wait, he picked us?" Annabeth asked, confused.

"Don't flatter yourself. Chiron told me to," Percy replied.

Annabeth glared at the sea-green-eyed boy before turning back to Chiron. "You know we're going to fail this Quest, right, Chiron?"

"Don't be so sure, Annabeth. While the odds are definitely not in your favor, I think you guys might have a chance."

"When did Percy even get his MistVision? He's literally known for having a vendetta against it," Piper asked.

"About 20 minutes ago," Percy answered.

The two girls gave him a 'bruh' look.

"I also have no clue how to play," Percy added for good measure.

"Are you serious, Chiron?! We're going to be known as the people who failed to save the world of Olympus!" Annabeth said in despair.

"Well, no turning back now. I suggest you guys start your journey soon. Zeus wants his weapon back by the summer solstice, June 21st this year. You have approximately a month to get it. Good luck," Chiron said, wheeling out of the room.

"So..." Percy began. "How does this work?"

The two girls sighed and began explaining the basics.

"When you first enter Story Mode, you'll get a character you can't customize. You're stuck with them. So, see what character you got. I seriously hope you're not a Satyr or something," Annabeth instructed.

"How do I do that?" Percy asked, rubbing the back of his head with a sheepish smile.

Piper rolled her eyes, and Percy got a notification.

Piper McLean has sent you a friend request.

Accept | Decline

"Accept my friend request and share your vision," Piper said.

"Um, alright," Percy replied and accepted the friend request. He then selected the option to share his vision.

Piper then told Percy how to check his character, and to their surprise, it turned out Percy already had one.

"What? You played before?" Piper asked.

"No, maybe Grover made one for me," Percy said, trying to dismiss it. He knew the real reason why and didn't like it one bit.

"Alright then, let's see your character," Piper said.

"Wait, let me see too," Annabeth interjected, and another notification popped up on Percy's vision.


Annabeth Chase has sent you a friend request.

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