Chapter 6

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Percy POV

I didn't know how long I was out, but I woke up to the crackling of some kind. I opened one eye to see what was going on and where I was, but my vision was too blurry. 

I started to stir and I slowly got up. I rubbed my eyes, trying to get the bleariness out of them. I then groaned at the pain that basically my entire body had been in.

There then some rustling and I saw Piper come out of some bushes.

"Hey, I see you're up" Piper said walking over to me.

"Yeah, how long was I out?" I asked in a scratchy tone.

"About a day. Annabeth and I managed to, um, persuade a car dealership employee to give us a car" she said, blushing.

"Did you Charmspeak him?" I asked, incredulously.

The lack of her reply gave me my answer.

"Where is Annabeth anyway?" I asked.

"She went to go get some supplies from a nearby store. She should be back soon. I stayed to make sure you didn't get eaten by something" she said, smirking at the last part.

About 8 feet from my feet was a fire, and it was probably the reason why I wasn't too cold. Even in the summer, New York was pretty cold at night.

I rested my back on a nearby tree, and saw a horn of some kind, next to me.

"What is this?" I asked.

"You don't remember? That was the horn you ripped off the Minotaur's head" Piper replied.


Soon I remembered my one on one fight with one of the biggest baddies of Greek Mythology. I felt my pocket and found Riptide inside.

"What was that voice I heard?" I asked. "And why did it call me nephew?"

"I'll explain later. Right now, you need to rest so we can get going tomorrow" Piper ordered, and I relaxed, my back still on the tree.

I didn't know when, but soon, I had fallen asleep. Sometime after, I woke up to the sounds of rustling in the bushes.

Piper was asleep, so I decided to go see what the commotion was. I slowly got up, using the tree for support. I took Riptide out of my pocket and uncapped it.

The pen elongated into my Xiphos with a small 'shink' and I slowly started to walked to the sound.

Out of the bushes suddenly came out Annabeth.

Her curly blonde hair was sticking to her face and she looked like she had just ran a 10k. She ran straight into me, knocking me over.

I fell to the ground with an 'oof' and groaned.

By the time I looked up, Annabeth already had a dagger to my neck and I raised my hands in surrender.

When she saw it was me, she widened her eyes and put her dagger away. She helped me up and I could tell that her cheeks were slightly red.

"What are you doing up right now?" Annabeth asked.

"I woke up to something trampling down the forest."

She rolled her eyes. "I was running away from some Dracanae who were chasing me at the store. I think I lost them, though."

I nodded. "I'll keep watch just in case, you should go to sleep."

"What? No! You're the one who almost died to the Minotaur yesterday. You need to rest."

"That's what I've been doing for the past day. I'm fine" I said waving her off and sitting with my back resting aganist the trunk of a tree.

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