Chapter 10

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Percy POV

I didn't know how long I had slept, but I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Huh, wh-what?" I asked drowsily opening an eye.

"Care to explain what's haven't told us, Seaweed Brain?" a voice asked.

I opened my other eye and saw Annabeth in all her glory standing over me, her stormy gray eyes were examining me, staring into my soul.

Piper was leaning against the doorway, but she was watching me intently as well.

"What are talking about?" I asked, my voice still scratchy.

"Look at the news. Your dad gave a statement."

I sighed. I knew that this was going to happen eventually, so I wasn't too surprised that they had found out my secret.

I scrolled through my news feed which were full of random articles about the CEOs coming out to speak about the new class.

I opened up an article which talked about Poseidon's statement.

Poseidon Olympia has come out and spoken about the new class added to the Duel Mode.

He also delivered the shocking bombshell that Perseus Jackson is also his son. He has stated the Jackson is a beta tester for the game and it must've slipped through the game files and ended up in the actual game.

He has also stated that this class will be given to other players soon, but will not be released as of now.

Maybe we will see Perseus Jackson in the competitive scene soon?

I sighed I as closed the article.

"Alright...?" I asked.

"What do you mean, alright? You were a beta tester for Olympus all this time?" Annabeth shrieked.

"What?! No! It's some excuse he made to spare himself the trouble of explaining shit" I replied, maybe a little bit too aggressively.

"What exactly happened with your dad, Percy?" Piper asked softly.

I didn't say anything for a moment. Then I took a deep breath.

"Until I was 5, my dad used to live with me and my mom. Then he became obsessed with his game company and just left, saying that having a family was holding him back. He came back when I was 15, and I thought maybe he felt bad for what he did, but all he did was tell me that he wanted me to take over the company when I got older. We had a pretty bad falling out after. Then, um..."

Piper slid next to me and softly grabbed my hand.

"Then what happened?"

I took another deep breath.

"He, um, came back after his game became popular and stuff and told me that it was now job or something to go live with him so he could train me or some shit. He only ever came back when he needed something from me, not because he actually cared. He hadn't even bothered to even send us a lousy child support check."

My was looking down, unable to meet any of their eyes. It was taking a lot of my willpower not to break down, but I held strong.

"T-That's awful" Annabeth said slowly. "But that's not too surprising."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"My mom left too when I was around 5 to go help with Myth Industries."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Same with mine, I have a feeling we're not being let onto something" Piper said, thinking.

"That's really weird. We were all sent on this Quest, and all of our parents have something to do with the game company, could that mean-" I started but was cut off my the sound of the door opening.

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