32. Has Been Here the Whole Time

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The sun is rising as we ride along the wide cobblestone road that leads to the Palace. The salty breeze blows through the open windows of the carriage, the air here even tastes rich. 

I'm so excited, I can hardly sit still. 

The warm sun melts the fog away and now I see the huge, impossibly beautiful Palace resting on a colossal, lavishly green island surrounded by sparkling, dark ocean waters. This island looks more like a mountain than a tropical beach, it towers above the shore and stands high and mighty out in the glittering ocean, practically touching the clouds.

Oh it's gorgeous. The entire Palace seems to be made of pearls, the shimmery sheen glows in the sunlight, and massive golden archways, pillars, and trellis decorate every edge, corner and opening. The roof of the lower section of the castle is entirely made up of stained glass and fringed in colossal crystal rocks. 

Skyrocketing from the heart of the Palace are five incredibly huge towers, the center tower rises even farther up in the sky than the others, I imagine it'll even block the sun at mid-day so it's shadow will fall over the villages that encompass the edge of the shore. Its marble roof is glided in blazing bright gold. The pointed tops of the other towers are each different colors, ranging from silver, red, green, and black, they all shimmer in the morning light.

Now our carriage rattles off the bridge and across a white marble drawbridge that stretches over the expanse of the glittering blue ocean. The drawbridge arches up at an angle, we gain some serious height as we approach the crest of the luscious island. 

There is this massive curtain wall that wraps around the island, and now that we get right up against it, the Palace is blocked from view as the shadow of the curtain wall falls over us. A gleaming golden gate gracefully opens at the sight of Quill's carriage, the horses trot ahead again. As we pass beneath the fortified Guard House, I see knights - in white and black armor with huge shields that look like traditional black and white playing cards- standing on top of the curtain wall.

Our horses select one white cobblestone path out of dozens, I struggle to look around fast enough to take in every detail, like where each enchanting path leads to. I see a massive crystal ball structure teeming with flora, a giant bright white stable lodge, a medieval looking training court, and a glorious maze made of white roses. Whoa. But I barely have time to give them the attention they're due as my eyes follow the path before us, we're taken right to the center of the island, just before the extraordinarily breathtaking Palace.

"Well," Quill reminds himself to speak, smiling brightly when I look at him in surprise, I nearly forgot this is really happening and not just me watching a fantasy movie. "Since the Queen of Hearts already knows you're here and your birthday is tomorrow..." I nod. "I suppose we mind as well just announce you to the rest of the Court now, won't they'll be so surprised?"

Whoa, this is all really happening so sudden now. I mean, my birthday is practically here, I must step forward. I have to say I'm Alice. The weight of the reality settles on my shoulders nigh cripplingly, but I force myself to breathe. "So...how are we going to do this?"

"I'll have the Queens of Diamonds make the announcement to rest of the Court, they'll be so excited to finally be meeting you, and then...well, first we'll have your birthday celebration and then I'm sure my mentor will be able to get you an extension for training time before the Labors."

I gulp. So much. So much. "An-and then everything will be fine?"

Quill slowly nods. "Well...yes, I mean, you'll have to complete your Eighteen Labors before the power of the Alice is fully bestowed to you -"

"Eighteen?" I widen my eyes. "Wait a second, Vyndren never said anything about Eighteen Labors!" I exclaim, my heart racing. "He said a handful! What do you mean? He was wrong? I was thinking like, five Labors! Eighteen?!" I think I'm panicking.

"Oh goodness," he looks as anxious as I feel. "I'm afraid I upset you, forgive me. The White Knight will explain everything to you much better than I'll be able to. Really, there's no need for fretting. Eighteen really isn't a lot - Ah, look, our escorts," he sounds relieved.

I whip my head around to stare out the window and I see four card soldiers; these ones are silver and white with sparkling diamonds on their card shields. "Who are they?"

"My mothers' soldiers. Come along now, they'll take us to the White Knight's courters," Quill jumps out of the carriage and takes my hand.

I gulp and look around as I step onto the pearl-like sidewalk. I am not really the Alice yet! I just don't show up and everything falls into place. How stupid of me for thinking like that! 

I do remember Vyndren saying something now about me having to prove myself worthy of the power and after each Labor, I'd be granted more and more power and at the last one -when I kill the Jabberwocky- only then will I be powerful enough to be called the Alice.

But wait.


Kill a Jabberwocky?

In what universe...?

In A World of My Own - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now