29. He's Charming & Endearing

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I'm sitting on the porch steps, nervously fidgeting with my wooden cross, when I see a carriage pulled by white horses. The carriage itself looks like something royalty would ride in, glittery gold and white with silver accents.

Oh god... I'm suddenly spiraling with anxiety. What will I say? What kinda questions will the White Knight's apprentice ask? This is all so legit, isn't it? I feel so under-prepared and overwhelmed.

I jump to my feet and brush my skirt off as the carriage pulls to a stop, the huge white Shire horses snort and whinny as they bob their gorgeous heads. Even these horses are all dressed up, with a diamond and a feather perched on the crest of their bridles. 

I look around quickly for Vyndren. He just up and disappeared after that hug even though he said he'd be close by. So where is he now?

The carriage door swings open and now suddenly Vyndren is at my side in an instant.

I startle. "There you are!" I hiss. "Do you know how nervous I've been? Who is this guy I'm meeting with? Do you know him? Do you trust him? Is he gonna be a creep like that Dodo Bird?"

Vyndren scoffs with an eye roll and just crosses his arms instead of replying as the carriage door swings open.

A young guy jumps out and OMG. My jaw might kinda fall open. This guy is really so super handsome, I blush just looking at him. He's built like model, tall, handsome, and has flawless, warm Black skin and really bright amber-gold eyes. His curly hair gradually fades from caramel to blonde and whimsical razor art covers the back of his neck and around his pierced ears.

He's dressed like a prince to the nines; with a starched and fitted white tunic top covered with two sparkling golden sashes. His trousers are gold and velvet, and his white leather riding boots are polished to the gleaming point. Gold pauldrons edged in diamonds sit on his shoulders and a white half cape that comes to the back of his knee swishes behind him. An ivory sword sheath is fastened to his belt.

"At long last! You must be the Alice," and he speaks with a charming British accent and has a beautiful, angelic smile. "The pleasure and honor is all mine, My Alice," he bows and now takes my hand to kiss, much to my surprise. I blush, no one's ever kissed my hand before.

"She knows who she is." Vyndren snaps dryly. "And you're the White Knight's apprentice, Quill Deckum," he growls with an edge of contempt.

The apprentice glances at him with a raised eyebrow, but now does a double take and looks a bit taken aback as he looks Vyndren over again. My Dark Rider has his hood pulled so low, I can barely see his face yet to my surprise, Quill Deckum says his name. "Vyndren?" He breathes with disbelief. "My gods, I can't hardly believe it's you." He sounds shocked and amazed all at once. "What happen to your facemask? How..." He looks between us, I can see so many questions flash through his bright eyes.

"Don't trouble your little mind about me," Vyndren scoffs. "We have business to conclude. Here. This is the Alice your mentor has been scouring the world for." He inclines his head in my direction. "Safe and sound. The rest is up to you now, Deckum," he snorts, now mutters to me just loud enough for the Knight apprentice to hear, "good luck with that." Now he sniffs dismissively. "Alright, whatever. I'm getting the hell outta this neck of the woods as you two should. There are four horsemen about a mile away from here, but they're moving quickly along the same road you travel by. You don't have a tail do you, Deckum?" He drums his fingers against his biceps.

Quill blinks. "I..." He finally gets over his shock at seeing Vyndren and now shakes his head. "Nothing I cannot handle, of course. Now then," he turns to smile at me. "What might your name be, My Alice?"

I blush and really can't find my voice and Vyndren doesn't bother to help me out either so I'm just a stammering mess. "Um, I'm uh...err, Adara." I finally manage. "I'm Adara." I say more clearly and flash a smile.

"Adara, a lovely name for a very lovely face, if you don't mind my saying so."

"That's unnecessary," Vyndren snaps. "Look, let's just get this exchange over with so you can get out of my sight. Adara." He turns to look at me. "I wish you a helluva lot of luck, the Court was a circus before it was run by the clowns. And you," he spins back to fix Quill with a look. "Take care of our Alice." His fiery eyes blaze briefly with a flashing warning and now he steps away and bows dramatically with more wrist-action than I've ever seen him use -it comes off as totally sarcastic- before he turns away from us and summons his animal soul spirit in a burst of red flares.

Quill flinches at the sight of the rabid beast who seems to be acting more crazed than usual, which is saying something. Vyndren swiftly climbs on and the wolf rears back on its hind legs, clawing at the air with its forepaws. I tilt my head back to stare up at Vyndren one last time but with his hood pulled so low and with the shadows around him so thick, I can't make out more than the glow of his fierce fiery eyes. The wolf races off, the nighttime being dragged after it.

"Farewell!" Quill boldly calls after the disappearing Dark Rider and waves. "Vyndren..." He says softly as he lowers his hand, now turns to me with a bright smile. "Well come along, Adara. We have much to talk about on our trip back to the Court."

He holds out his gloved hand (the fingertips are cut off which tips me off that he's a magic-user) and I blush again as I take it. Quill leads me over to the carriage and helps me inside. I feel like royalty already. Quill hops in on the other side and, much to my amazement, the horses move on their own without a driver.

"My Talent is the control over animals," he tells me chipperly after noticing my wide eyes of wonder. "We'll cover Talents in a while, no worries. Everyone with magic has a special Talent enhanced by their powers."

"Cool," I smile with a faint shake of my head. I wonder what my Talent is.

The carriage rambles along smoothly over the road, leaving the little house far behind.

In the distance I hear a loud, deep, booming howl of a wolf, I know this wolf. It's Vyndren's. The howl actually sounds relieved and triumphant, as if Vyndren's soul is pleased to have completed his task at long last.

Yes, I am on my way to Court, with the White Knight's apprentice and I am alive and healthy. This is a victory after the hell we have been through. I smile at the sound of the deep, victorious howl but now I frown as the tuneful howl change to one filled with aching loneliness and bitter grief. It's breaking my heart, but I think I know what his soul is trying to say...

I'll miss you.

In A World of My Own - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now