8. It's Never Simple

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 Stunningly, I'm actually able to sleep and now that I wake, I do feel much better. More alive. Funny what some sleep can do for a person. What's even more funny is how I didn't even have a blanket, a pillow, or even a sleeping bag, I just fell asleep over here with my head resting on my arm over the fallen tree log. I'm turning into a nature-girl! I look around, the sun is setting. It's like the woods are decorated for Halloween given the orange sheen everything is bathed in and the shadows that, due to the sun slanting through the streamers, look like black lacy patterns across the ground.

I brush some fallen threads of streamers from my hair as I stand. The Dark Rider isn't anywhere to be seen. "Um, hey?" I feel lame just standing here so I start walking. He wouldn't just up and leave, I know this. Right? But still, where is he? An owl hoots and I jump, not sure why I feel so skittish. I slowly back up as I stare up into the tree in front of me.

"Adara," the Dark Rider sounds a little breathless.

I jump out of my skin and twirl around. "Jeez! You scared the hell out of me!" My heart is racing.

He chuckles but even that sounds breathless. "I have that way about me. Now let's go."

"Are you -" I pause, he kinda flipped out the first time I asked but hey, I'm a caring person, so sue me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he pants slightly. "Never felt better."

I'm about to ask him if he's sure but now a glowing orb flies from his palm and flashes with bright red light as it starts to take the form of his animal soul spirit. I am captivated. Everything comes together just like last time but now everything moves so quickly, like in a flourish, and I guess he is okay. He sure seems more powerful than last time. I briefly wonder what makes him stronger.

My train of thought is toasted now because the snarling, salivating wolf beast is tossing its huge head around and is flexing its powerful muscles; stretching as if it had been cooped up for too long. The massive beast paws at the ground as it shakes out its thick black coat, its claws and fangs glisten in the final rays of setting sunlight. Its fiery eyes are scorching. I'm so scared; I think I could cry. I bite my trembling lip.

"I-I can't," I take a wobblily step back. "It's too, too..." I shudder and look away from the nightmarish canine, hiding my face in my shaking hands as I struggle to keep from crying.

"It..." for once, the Dark Rider sounds unsure. "It hasn't always looked...like this."

He speaks so softly; I lift my head in surprise to stare at him. For once his head is lowered and the fires in his eye sockets are dim, he must be...sad? Who would have ever thought - Wait a minute, animal soul spirit? Is this thing a reflection of his soul?

I gulp. "It's...um, okay," I say softly, trying to cheer him up. Because he was so cheerful before, right?

"It was just as big." He says, lifting his head a little to stare at the wolf, it stares back sadly, its tail limp. "But it was gray and... black, I think, with...dark eyes," he sighs softly and adjusts the hood around his mask.

"What happened to change your soul?"

"Sold it." He snaps, his one moment of softness vanishing. Now he takes a running leap and lands perfectly on the wolf's back. "C'mon," he orders. "Let's get this journey over with already."

I stay where I am. "There is no way I can -"

"Adara," he growls, sounding very much like the wolf.

"Look at that thing!" I point at the horrid creature. "I'm not going anywhere near it!"

The Dark Rider groans some curses to himself before he jumps down and now storms over to me.

In A World of My Own - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now