The real enemy

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"You've heard of the Darkhold?" Wanda asks with a little chuckle. "I never would've believed Olivia Stark was aware of magical objects. I always thought you were too interested by how much money was in your bank account and what you looked like."

"I know it's the Book of the Damned" I respond. "And that it corrupts everything and everyone that it touches. I wonder what it's done to you. Well look at that outfit Wanda, the book has corrupted your style." It really hurt to say that cause Wandas outfit is so good right now.

"The Darkhold only showed me the truth" Wanda shrugs innocently. "Everything I lost can be mine again."

"What do you want with America?" Strange asks. I guess strange doesn't want to waste time anymore, he wants to get out of here and back to Kamar-Taj before Wanda can do anything else. "What do you want with the Multiverse?"

"I'm going to leave this reality, and go to one where I can be with my children" Wanda explains.

"Wanda, your children aren't real" I remind her with my voice raising a little. "You created them using magic. They're a figment of your imagination. Get over it!"

"That's what every mother does" Wanda shrugs proudly. "If you knew there was a universe, where you were happy, wouldn't you wanna go there?

"I am happy" Strange tells her but me and obviously Wanda can tell he is far from happy. And obviously now Christine is married that must hit hard, because she was Stranges girl.

Wanda turns to me with a grin on her face. "If you knew there was a universe where your father was still alive and you didn't have that power Olivia, would you stay here?"

"No because I actually like my life" I admit. "I like having these powers. My dad sacrificed himself and I can live with that, he has been there for me before I can remember. So no Wanda I wouldn't leave."

"I know better than most what self-deception looks like" Wanda smirks as she looks me up and down.

"What you're doing is a flagrant violation of every natural law" Strange states. "If you take that child's power, she won't survive."

"I don't relish hurting anyone, Stephen" Wanda tells him. Wanda shrugs, "But she's not a child. She's a supernatural being. Such raw power could wreak havoc on this, and other worlds. Her sacrifice would be for the greater good."

"Well you can kiss the lunchbox goodbye because that's the kind of justification our enemies use" Stephen smiles.

"Is it the one you use?" Wanda asks. "When you gave Thanos the Time Stone?" Ouch she really had to hit him with that one.

"That was war" Strange reminds her but it seems like he's reminding himself that more than trying to tell Wanda, "and I did what I had to do."

"You break the rules and become a hero" Wanda states. "I do it and I become the enemy. That doesn't seem fair."

"What happens now?" I question. "Cause what I'm planning is either killing you" i point to Wanda, "or we run. Cause no way are you getting Americas power. Someone is gonna end up dead and it won't be America."

"Return to Kamar-Taj" Wanda demands, "and prepare to hand over America Chavez by sundown. Peacefully. After that You'll never see me again." Wanda begins to walk away from us.

"And if we don't?" Strange asks.

She stops walking and turns to face us. "Then it won't be Wanda who comes for her. It will be the Scarlet Witch." Wanda then does a dramatic strut away.

"We're not seriously letting her take her are we?" I whisper to strange. "Cause she could definitely destroy the multiverse. And then we'd be fucked."

Falling, Peter ParkerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora