"because i want to." he answered.

"o... kay.." i left, got back to billie who was watching tiktoks. i stole one of her airpods and joined her as we waited for our plane.

"they're filming us." billie's smile melted. "i think they've been for a while."

"they're everywhere these days." i frowned.

"sully has been given strict instructions to not leave my side unless he has to."she told me.

"you're gonna make him hate his job." i snickered, trying to make her smile even though this sucks.

"uh correction." she held up her index finger. "we are going to be the reason he's gonna hate his job. he's gonna always be our third wheel and not to mention following us around when we're chasing each other for some reason before our shows."

"that's okay, i have to complete my steps on my fit-bit anyways." sully chimed in. "and i'll get to know all the tea, but don't worry it goes in one ear and goes out the other." he winked.

that eleven hour fight was brutal to say the least. billie and i ended up sleeping the first three hours off but were woken up by ivy and andrew being so damn loud while arguing about some stupid shit. billie, of course chose violence and threatened to fire andrew and make ivy fly back if they didn't shut up. she didn't mean it but they kinda got the hint that they were probably disturbing everyone around them.

not even ten minutes passed and matt started snoring louder than a grizzly bear in hibernation. billie and i both connected our airpods to one phone and put on a playlist while just cuddling since either of us felt like talking. it was like that for two more hours.

the plane must have put some kind of pressure on my bladder because the amount of times i had to use the toilet is unreal. bil just had to complain every time i got up to leave like usual. don't take my word for it though, but i once opened the door to the bathroom and ivy smiled, got in but andrew was by the door again. i have a feeling they fucked, which is why i choose to use the other bathroom everytime after that.

i tried to fall asleep again but for some reason i couldn't, so i started watching tiktoks, that went on for two more hours. halfway across them billie connected her airpods to my phone and watched with me and by the end of them i realized she fell asleep on my shoulder. i exited tiktok and started looking for potential apartments so as soon as we were back from tour we could apartment hunt in the right places.

"what are you doing?" billie said with a raspy voice.

"becoming claudia two point o and using procreate to organize potential apartments we could rent in." i ripped an airpod out of one ear.

"give me ten minutes to actually wake up then you're going to show me what you've done so far." she layed her head back down on my shoulder.

once billie was billie again, i started listing the pros and cons of every apartment and explaining the features of each one. i made sure she knew which ones were my favorites and which i wasn't really sure about.

she told me i was doing too much and we could've hired someone to that for us and i responded with "i'm bored and i saved us money, shush." she just nodded and said, "you do you."

this is when i was starting to go clinically insane. we had three more hours in this plane and i was not having it. i even suspect billie got sick of me at that point, i was asking how many more minutes every ten minutes.

"blue, i love you, but if you ask how many more minutes one more time i will break up with you." she cupped my face.

"you'd never do that."

"fine, no kisses or hugs for three days." she compromised.

"you wont do that either." i chuckled.

"you know what? i'll just go and find another seat." she started gathering her stuff up.

"no, NO." i held her down. "i'll shut up."

"thank you." she glared.

"your nose looks so yummy." i let my intrusive thoughts win as i was admiring her side profile.

"what?" she scrunched her face up.

"it's so cute and- i don't know." i laughed.

"you're going to sleep as soon as we get to the hotel. you surviving on only three hours of sleep is dangerous." she chuckled and shook her head.

"...hi" i awkwardly said.

"hi honey, glad to see you landed safely." mom said. "i wanted to call earlier but i thought maybe you were still in the airport."

"yeah, we just got to the hotel... like ten minutes ago?" i nodded.

"that's great, did you get any sleep on the plane?" she asked.

"no, billie is forcing me to sleep soon. only got three hours of sleep." i responded.

"yeah good, you need to get your hours of sleep." she nodded. "i saw cole a couple hours ago, i got to explain things to her since she was kind of oblivious to what was going on."

"yeah that's good." i yawned.

"oh honey you're tried, you should probably go to sleep we can talk later." mom said.

"yeah you're right, i should probably go to sleep." i agreed.

"alright we'll, goodnight. i love you.", she said.

"talk to you later." i hung up.

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now