21 Partition (Piper)

Start from the beginning

We nodded.

"First, what is your job in New York, Piper?" She asked.

"I'm head writer on a show called Basketcase," I replied, inwardly groaning at having to say that so seriously.

"And where do you live?"

"Like my address or—"

"Your living situation."

"I share an apartment with two friends."

"And do they know about your marriage to Mr. Vega?"

"Yes. They were just here for a visit, actually."

She nodded, her pen scratching the paper as she jotted down her notes.

"The two of you met here, in California, did you not?" She asked without looking up.

"We did," Lucas answered. "In college."



"How did you meet?"

"At a Halloween party," I recalled. "He was dressed as a robot. I was sort of a cat."

Lucas grinned at the recollection. I looked away from his smile because it touched my heart too much.

"You are from here originally, yes, Piper?" The agent asked.

"I am," I replied.

"Have you visited family while being back?"

"Yes. I went to see my mother today. My father and I are no longer on speaking terms."

"Despite the fact that your husband still pays his medical bills?"

Lucas' eyes widened in surprise. My jaw clenched but I answered her anyway, "Yes."

"And your sister?"

"She lives in Washington state now. But I am not on speaking terms with her either."

Agent Ashley looked up at that.

"A lot of strife in your family," she observed and then gestured between us. "Does this situation have anything to do with it?"

"No," I answered, quickly. She raised a brow as if searching for more information. I sighed. "My father left my mother for a younger woman when I was a senior in college. Lola took his side. I took mom's. We had a falling out about it a few years ago and haven't spoken since."

"Did you know that your husband was paying for your father's hospital bills?"

"What does this have to do with—" Lucas started.

"No," I told her and his gaze snapped to me. "But I'm glad he did."

I reached over and took Lucas' hand.

"He did the right thing," I said. "He always does. That's why I married him."

Lucas smiled at me, giving my hand a squeeze. Agent Ashley looked disappointed, turning back to her notes. She didn't ask another question for a while. When she finally looked back up, she changed the subject entirely.

"Time for the test portion of the assessment," she announced. "I'm going to ask you a series of questions. You are going to respond with your partner's answer. For example, Lucas, what is Piper's birthday?"

"July 17th," he answered immediately.


"March 23rd," I told her.

"Favorite color?" She asked.

"Green," Lucas answered for me and I nodded.

"Purple," I replied for him. Agent Ashley raised a brow and Lucas chuckled.

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