Friggin' Elsa and Her Stupid Mirrors

Start from the beginning

"Y/N, go over there now."


As you're walking over to Sakura and the alcoholic with the Hershey's kiss on top of his head, you turn around to check the location of Haku and Zabuza- The former having creeped you out a little.


Haku, like your phone charger, is not where you left him.

"I don't see him!" Naruto yells, helpfully adding to your statement.

"WAIT! I have an ✨IDEA✨!!" You cheer excitedly, having just thought of a fool-proof plan to locate the Ninja.

Now you might be wondering what exactly this brainwave was.

"Oh no."

Using your ability as a sensor type? A Jutsu perhaps? Maybe even channeling your inner Dora the Explorer?

"Now is not the time to joke around, Y/N. We need to-"

Unfortunately, no. It was none of these things.

"TELL ME WHYYY!!" You 'sing', loudly and impossibly out of tune.

From the left Haku appears. "AIN'T NOTHIN' BUT A HEARTACHE!!" He sings like an angel, in perfect pitch.

(A/N: You know what, I'm cannoning it that Y/N taught Haku meme songs. Gaara, Tobi, Deidara, Lee, and Naruto too. Blame the me that was high on candles.)

"Well, we found him." You reply nonchalantly; "Now what?"

"Y/N, LOOK OUT!!" Naruto yells, warning you of the imminent danger.

"WhAT-!?" Looking to the side, you see Haku performing the last motions in a series of hand signs.

Hand signs you had seen before.

Hand signs you recognized.

Hand signs that sealed your fate.

"Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors!"

"Y/N, MOVE!" Kakashi calls out, trying to snap you out of your state of shock.

"It's too late. She might as well already be dead." Zabuza smirks, watching the water around you transform and harden into a dome of ice.

And with those words, Y/N and Sasuke were imprisoned in Haku's Secret Jutsu.

"Wait, what do you mean 'Y/N and Sasuke'? Author, the fuck did you do?" You threaten ask in a warning tone.

Ummm.. Well, ya' seeee.. SasukesawyouabouttogethitbytheJutsusoheranintosaveyou..

"What?" You ask, "Did you just say Sasuke saw me about to get demolished by Haku, so he tried to play King Charming and save me?"

Yup. Also, isn't it Prince Charming, not King Charming?

"Sasuke's an orphan, remember? He'd be bumped up to King. I remember that from my seventh-grade history class. I actually paid attention for once, and I learnt something. Cool, right!?"

Yeah, awesome. Anyways, I'm gonna go back to writing hole now. Oh, and by the way, Sasuke's been trying to get your attention for the past three minutes, and he's about to slap you.



"DID YOU JUST SLAP ME!??" You yell, pulling out a belt. "Did you just. Fucking slap me?"

"Idiot. We need to get out of here quickly before-" Sasuke starts, abruptly cut off by another voice.

"Before what?" Haku asks, phasing through the mirrors as is reflection shows up in every single one. "I get here?"

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