(16) Love vs Hate

Start from the beginning

"Ah, I see... This key should do the job. I will need it back so try not to misplace it. Is there anything else?" The key I needed was right there however I was hesitant to take it. He could easily grab me but as I thought over it, I remembered what he did to me last night. If he wanted me, it didn't matter if I was across the room or right in front of him. Since I wanted that key, I made my way over and took it from his outstretched hand. Thankfully he didn't make any attempt to touch me. "Nope. You can leave"

"Very well. Enjoy your day Elizabeth... You will be happy here as long as you behave, that I can assure you" He was almost out of my hair for the day but I couldn't help when a sharky comment slipped from my lips. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out" It was said under my breath although he had heard it. "Fufufu. Remember to return by bedtime. I would hate to come looking for you"



Later That Day...

Doflamingo's Pov

"She is being quiet today... I wonder where she has wandered to?" There was still some work I needed to complete however I peeked my head out of the door trying to see if Elizabeth was out there. She was not although as I was about to return to my desk the sound of screaming reached my ears. "Doflamingo, where are you!? What in the fuck did you do to my wrist!?" When she rounded the corner, I got a good look at her but for the life of me, I could not conclude why she had been so upset.

"There you are! First, you kidnapped me, and now this! You might be bigger than me but you're a dead man!" She had refused to look at me earlier however now her eyes were staring directly at me. That glare they held within them nearly made me shiver although I shook it off before crouching down to be at her level. "I do not understand what you are going on about. What is the problem?"

At first, she did not speak but within a second she started to play around with her sleeve all while screaming at the top of her lungs. "You tattooed me!" When her arm was thrust forward, I nearly lost my balance. "I did no su- Let me see your wrist" Now that I could see her wrist clearly there definitely was something there however Elizabeth was trying to pull it back before I got a good look at it. "No! You will not tou- Hey! I told you no!" I was careful not to hurt her but immediately recognized the mark. "Hm? This mark... is no tattoo"

"What do you mean it's not a tattoo!? I have never seen it in my life!" She needed to stop screaming. My ears were sensitive but they could handle it. Elizabeth on the other hand was only going to cause herself a sore throat. "Must you scream so much? You are only going to hurt your throat" I should not have brought it up since her mood was already poor but the words could not be taken back at this point. "Explain what the hell this thing is and maybe then I wouldn't need to yell at you!"

"That is a soulmate's mark" My mother had talked about them many times over the years although I had not imagined mine would fall into my lap so suddenly. To think she was not of my world and could have easily been my next vi- it is best not to think of that.

"A what?" When Elizabeth spoke up, I realized she was still tugging on her arm so I let her go although was sure to be careful. The last thing I wanted was to anger her more by causing her to fall against the tile. "A soulmate mark... It is the same as mine. Fufufu. Now I understand why I felt so strange around you. Fufufufu. Here come inside and sit with m-" I had returned to my full height and tried to reach out toward her. "Keep your hands off of me" She was not yelling but when I saw her eyes, I felt a pain in my chest.

She appeared to be in such pain although that could not have been true. "Is something wrong Elizabeth?" Her eyes were fixed on me but when they turned to the floor, I wanted to turn her head back. However, I let her be. "I want to go home" She sounded so defeated and I knew I wanted to do all I could for her but that was the one request I could not allow. "You are home silly. We will have a long life together and I w-"

"No" In time she would understand and I knew rushing things would only make her mood worse. For now, I would need to distract her from the life she had before. "What do you mean no?" My fists were clenched behind my back although I took a breath to relax them. Elizabeth was a stubborn one and I could not get too upset with her as I knew that was her personality. "You're a monster and this mark isn't going to change how I feel about you... Law was right about you... I should have listened to him"

I knew she had been spending a little bit of time with him although hearing his name spoken now just rubbed me the wrong way. She should have been using mine if anything however I could understand I had not made the greatness imprint on her with my recent actions. "Keep his name out of your mouth" All Elizabeth needed to do was shut her mouth but when a smirk crossed her lips, I knew things were bound to escalate.

"That makes you mad, doesn't it? You're not getting what you want and guess what? I could care less. Everyone you cared about has left you but it was your fault they left in the first place. They were getting out while they still could. No one will ever love a monster like you" Her words were painful but I refused to believe she had meant them. "Why would you say that, Elizabeth?"

"You destroyed my life and expect me to forgive you without a second thought. If I'm going to be stuck here until the day, I die then so be it but leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you" Her body turned away and she set off down the hall. My feet refused to move, leaving me to watch as she walked further away. "Wait! Elizabeth you cannot walk away from me!" She needed to stay although my words fell on deaf ears.

She was gone and still, my feet would not allow me to follow after her. That was most likely for the best since I could not think of the words to convince her to change her opinion of me. Maybe in time, they would come to me however at the moment I would need to wait.

"Damn it!"


To Be Continued...

Doflamingo x OC {Don't Open The Door} RemakeWhere stories live. Discover now