Chapter X

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   As I wake up the following morning, the smell of Moon-Jo's musky cologne is the first thing to heighten my senses. One of his arms are wrapped around my waist, while the other rests on the pillow above my head. Since my back is against his hard chest and my legs are entangled with his, I realize that I have to wake him up in order to get out of his embrace. So, I turn around and face him. His eyes flutter open sleepily, as the soft strands of his hair fall onto his forehead.

His eyes meet mine, and I immediately break the contact by looking down

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

His eyes meet mine, and I immediately break the contact by looking down. "Good morning," he says simply. I look at him with disgust and ask, "So we just going to act like last night never happened?" "Do you want to act like it never happened?", he asks in reply. I get frustrated by his question and lash out, "Why do you always have to answer a question with a question? Just answer MY question already!" Darkness fills his eyes, and he pushes me over to my back and hovers over me. "Last night was special to me, if that's what you are wondering," he says firmly. My hands ball up into fists as I think of how to respond to his statement. Eventually, I decide to just drop the conversation and look away from him. After a while, he gets off of the bed and makes his way to the bathroom. Once the door is closed, I quietly get off the bed and dart out of the room. Immediately, I enter into a living room. To the left, is the kitchen and dining room. Further down, there is a gym with glass walls that separate it from the rest of the open space. Suddenly, I see it. The door. I hurriedly run over and try to open it. However, it is locked. I grunt in frustration and try to keep from having an emotional breakdown. My breathing stops when I feel a drop of water hit and roll down my back. "What are you doing honey?", Moon-Jo asks rhetorically. I turn around and see that he is clad in only black shorts and some matching house slippers. I take a hard swallow, before asking, "Where are we?" He clicks his tongue against his palette, and answers, "A bunker. I built and lived in here after I left Seoul. After the world basically forgot about the incident, I left. It's nice to be back, especially with you." "Why here though? Why bring me to a secluded place against my will, and then force me to stay here... AGAINST MY WILL?!", I yell at him. He tilts his head and walks closer to me. This causes me to walk back into the door. Once I realize I'm stuck, he slams his hands on either side of my face. I look at him with fear as his face moves over to my ear. "I brought you here against your will, because it was the only way. As for why I'm keeping you here, well, I'm not exactly sure yet," he says, before pushing his hands off the door and walking away from me towards the kitchen. 

Taming A Madman {Sequel to "It Was Always You"}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora