Chapter II

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   When I wake up, I can't even tell of it's early morning or night. I pat around the bed for my phone. Once I have it, I see that it is four in the morning and that it is Saturday. Lord I must have been more tired than I thought. I get up from the bed and decide to unbox my all of my belongings in order kill some time while waiting for the sun to rise. Three hours later, I am done and the sun is shining brightly in the living room and kitchen area. I've always had a thing for natural light, but this is on a whole new level. I feel like all the light in the world is coming through the wall of windows. After enjoying the view for about ten minutes, I decide to get ready for the day and go look around the city. When I get down to the first floor, I tell the concierge good morning, before heading out the door and waiving for a taxi. Soon, one pulls up in front of me and I get in. "Dokąd," the taxi driver asks. "Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego," I reply while buckling myself in my seat. When I reach the museum, I pay the taxi fare and head into the museum. After paying the admission fee, I looking in awe at all the artifacts and just the overall amazing architecture of the building. About an hour later, I am done with looking around. So, I make my way back out towards the road in order to hail for another taxi. As one pulls up, I instinctively go to touch my locket, but it is not there. I look down at myself to make sure, and it is still not there. Bending down to look at the taxi driver I say, "Chwileczkę. Zapomniałem czegoś. Zaraz wrócę." He nods his head and puts his taxi in park. I rush back into the museum. There is no way I can look all around this museum for my locket. "I thought I told you to never take this off," a familiar voice says behind me. I turn around and see Moon-Jo sitting in a chair with the locket dangling by it's chain in his hand. He doesn't even look at me and continues to look at the locket instead.

It's been so long since I've seen him

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It's been so long since I've seen him. However, aside from his hair now being a deep red color, he still looks like the same old Moon-Jo. Ignoring his statement, I laugh in relief and say, "Thank you so much for finding it. It must have fallen off while I was looking around." As I go to take it from him, he pulls back his hand and gestures for me to turn around. I'm confused, but turn around nonetheless. I then feel him walk up right behind and place the locket around my neck, just like he did four years ago. Once he has it secured, I turn back around to face him. He has an emotionless look on his face. So, I thank him for finding my locket before rushing out of the museum in order to get back to my apartment. However, when I get outside, the taxi has left. I whine in frustration at the thought of having to hail another one. It took so long to get the other one. As I complain to myself about my bad luck, Moon-Jo walks up beside me and offers to drive me back to my apartment. Not wanting to bother him, I decline the offer. However, he is insistent, and so I concede in letting him drive me. As we drive back to the apartment complex, I ask, "What are you doing in Warsaw?" "I came to live here about two years ago. It was supposed to only be a one month stay, but I quickly felt at home here. So, I stayed," he replies. I nod my head and the rest of the ride is complete silence. When we get to the complex, I thank him and begin to get out of his car. However, I stop when he asks, "Have you missed me Anna?" The question makes my stomach become knotted. I worked so hard to forget about him these past four years, that I never really thought about what I would do if we ever met again. I sit back fully into my seat and close the door. Slowly I look at him. I want to say 'yes', but I can't. Not now at least. "To be honest Moon-Jo, I haven't really given it much thought," I answer back while hoping and praying that he will not be to hurt by my words. He doesn't say anything, just looks at me with that same blank expression. In order to break the tension, I say, "I would like to be friends though. We can't forget the past, but we can enjoy the future. What do you say... friends?" He looks down at my hand that I have handed out to him. After a while, he grabs and shakes it. I'm not sure where this friendship will go, but it seems safe enough to be at least friends with Moon-Jo. He seems to have changed his ways.

Taming A Madman {Sequel to "It Was Always You"}Where stories live. Discover now