chapter five

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dave grabbed out some clothes for kurt from the dresser. kurt held himself up.

"here, it's just a long sleeve and your PJs." dave muttered as he wrapped his arm around kurt. helping him walk to the bathroom.

krist was cleaning the vomit that was on the floor. gagging mid-process as he finished up.

kurt was handed the clothes. as the two were in the bathroom. as quickly as the man could, he changed into them.

dave sighed as he used a cold wet washcloth that he found in kurt's bathroom and started to clean the lead singers face.

"im sorry you had to wit–." kurt tried apologized as dave moved the cloth away.

"no, don't even. how long as she been doing this to you?" dave asks. infuriated by courtney.

"for..awhile." kurt admitted as he hugged his stomach again. dave frowned. "here, let's get you downstairs and comfortable on the couch.."

a hand was held out to kurt. kurt slowly takes it as he stands back up. a hiss of pain left the blonde as the two left the bathroom.

"my stomach hurts so bad.." kurt whined as he stopped walking. standing in the hall. dave turned his head and went over.

krist came out of the bedroom and shut the door. "is he okay?" he asked towards dave. dave shakes his head. "no, his stomach issues are getting to him right now." he replied as he carefully picked up kurt.

a soft cry escaped out of kurt as he laid his head onto dave's chest. dave sighed heavily as he started to carry kurt down the stairs.

"krist get him some blankets." Dave muttered as he looked up at krist. halfway down the stairway. krist gave a thumbs up and disappeared back into the bedroom.

once dave made it downstairs. he saw courtney sitting on the couch. smoking a cigarette with her packed bags next to her.

"you're still here?" dave retorted as he held kurt protectively. kurt slightly lifted his head. his blue eyes looked at courtney fearfully before hiding his face back into dave's chest.

dave started to rub kurt's back. sensing the anxiety feeling radiating off of him.

krist came downstairs with a few folded clean blankets in his hands. courtney crossed a leg over one as she scoffed. putting her cigarette out on the couch. burning a small hole into it.

"i'm leaving soon for tour."
"not just for tour." dave says angrily. "you are leaving this house."

"what!?" she suddenly shrieked out. dave held onto kurt with more protectiveness as he narrowed his gaze at the mangled female blonde.

"yes! you're not good for him. you never fucking were!" dave sneered. kurt sniffled as he felt his tears be brought up to his eyes.

the tears slightly dampened onto dave's shirt. the drummer started to rub kurt's back. kurt never lifted his head. he knew dave was right.

yet he loves her.

"fuckin hell.." kurt croaked out. krist placed the blankets onto the couch as he started to talk alongside with dave.

"courtney, dave's right. you did nothing but hurt him. and he thinks it's love." krist says, much more calmer than dave. but overall still pissed as much as the drummer was.

courtney scoffed. "he just needs to listen! so, i do this so he can! i love him and he loves me!" she screamed out. putting on the act of letting out dramatic crying sounds. obviously fake.

suddenly kurt spoke. he lifted his head and glued his hurtful eyes onto the woman he thought he loved.

"no! no. i– i'm done. they're right...they're fucking, right. im hurt courtney. and i fucking loved you. leave this house. leave me alone. please."

courtney started have mascara smear as she rubbed her eyes. "fuck you cobain! you will never be loved like how i did ever again!" she exclaimed and grabbed her bags. leaving the house with a loud boom of the door slamming shut.

"put me down." kurt suddenly snapped as dave complied. putting kurt down. he wiped his eyes with his calloused fingers as he groaned.

"FUCK!" he suddenly screamed as he started to bawl. he slumped onto his knees and hugged onto his stomach.

dave knelt down and brought kurt into a hug. kurt thrashed and struggled as he shoved dave back.

"im fucked up!" kurt yelled as he tangled his hands into his blonde locks. gripping them with a slight tug as his breathing was staggered.

"fucked up all the time! doped up! a mess! a fucking junkie!" kurt continued on as he got up. ignoring the sharp pain of his stomach as he went into the kitchen.

dave imediantly followed. krist decided to just sit on the couch. he didn't know what to do at the moment. he hoped dave could calm him down though.

"kurt! stop..!" dave tried as he grabbed onto the shorter males arm. "you're having a meltdown.."

"fuck man!" kurt couldn't help but laugh. a large grin rises to his face as tears streamed down like a river.

he looked at dave. his laughter leaving and turning into the sounds of bawling and screaming.

"she left me!" kurt cried as dave wrapped his arms around him. "its for the best.." dave acknowledged as kurt slid himself down onto the kitchen floor.

dave knelt down with him and held the blonde close. "i loved her..? no, no..i hate her.." kurt slurred out as he sniffled.

the drummer rubbed the grunge singers back in circular motions to try and calm him down.

"kurt, she wasn't good for you at all. in fact, she was hurting you. yet you stayed with her. that wasn't love kurt, she was using you. i can tell by the look in your eyes that you were hurting. all the marks? that's just more evidence too my point. she doesn't love you kurt, im sorry."

kurt slowly calmed his breathing. his mood changed instantly. he felt numb. sore and puffy eyes looked up at dave.

they were emotionless in the pureness of blue ocean eyes. dave couldn't help but hug kurt close.

"we are here for you. we can protect you." dave says as krist entered the kitchen. "you doing okay?" he muttered the question.

kurt simply nodded. his head slumping onto dave's chest. still with the same emotionless look in his eyes as he clinged onto his stomach like it depended on it.

dave ran his hand up and started to play with kurt's blonde golden locks.

krist cleared his throat. "well im going to get the couch more comfortable for you. then we can have a smoke break outside, how does that sound?"

kurt nodded.

"definitely something i need right now."

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