chapter three

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the night was going splendidly well. courtney had to go to sleep earlier because of her touring she had in the morning.

the three men were currently downstairs. a movie was playing on the little boxed tv in front of them as they finished a smoking session of marijuana.

kurt placed the bong on the coffee table as he sat back into the couch. krist had passed out in the rocking chair that was next to the couch.

dave and kurt are the only ones awake. kurt groaned as his head laid onto dave's shoulder.

the drummer felt his face tickle up some blush to his cheeks as he looked down towards the lead singer.

"you okay?" dave asked and kurt nodded in reply. "better than ever."

dave chuckled as he wrapped an arm around kurt. a soft blush rises into kurt's face as he looked into dave's eyes.

it was odd. a warm feeling rises into kurt's heart. he shakes his head and dismissed the feeling. thinking it was just some random occurrence of feelings.

as for dave, he accepted that feeling. he knew he felt this way towards kurt for a long time. but when courtney came into the picture – he tried to push those feelings away.

did it work? nope.

dave had this intense love for kurt. but he didn't have the guts to say anything.

kurt suddenly yawned as he laid his head laying onto dave. he felt secured and safe when dave was around. it was different. but he liked the feeling. the feeling of security and protection.

dave started to rub kurt's cardigan covered back. the fabric felt nice to the touch. Kurt hummed softly as he blinked his high bloodshot eyes.

the drummers high went down, since he didn't smoke as much. cobain still felt stoned. but he absolutely loved the feeling.

brown eyes slowly looked downwards and the eyebrows that belonged to dave furrowed and knitted together in sudden concern.

the sleeves of the olive green cardigan that kurt wore were slightly pushed up. it showed the purple bruises on kurt's wrists. even some red scratches. like the man was in a struggle.

a click of the tongue was made as dave sat up. he gently held onto kurt's wrists for a moment. examination of the injuries – he felt immensely worried.

bloodshot eyes widen in shock as kurt tried to move his hands away, but dave held onto them in a protective manner.

"what happened?" dave asked as he brushed his pointer finger onto one of the larger bruises. kurt whimpered softly as he chewed on his lip nervously.

"nothing, i-i..uh.." kurt tried to make an excuse but his mind couldn't wrap around with an idea or concept of an ideal.

"did she hurt you?" dave asked suddenly as his head lifted to look into kurt's pained blue eyes.

tears started to form into kurt's blue and high eyes. "n-no, why would she?" kurt muttered out the question. his lip nervously trembled as he bit it.

dave suddenly brought kurt into a hug. kurt felt hot tears roll down his face as he hugged dave back in return.

"she loves me." kurt says as his hair slowly falls down and covered the man's face.

dave shakes his head as he pulled back from the embrace. he pushed kurt's hair back. they look deep into each other's eyes.

"does she?" dave asked as he watched kurt's gaze look down. "yes!–i..I know so." he replied as wiped his tears away.

dave didn't mean to make kurt cry. "i'm sorry." he suddenly apologized. kurt shakes his head. "no, it's alright. im sorry." he apologized and got off the couch.

dave furrowed his eyebrows. "but its not your fault.. kurt, i can see the look in those eyes. you're hurting."

kurt sighed. feeling suddenly frustrated as he looked at dave. "im fine! okay?" he snapped back.

dave shakes his head. "kurt,.."

"what?" kurt says as he crossed his arms. standing as the tv illuminated a blue glow from the vcr movie being over. dave got off the couch and walked over. the drummer looked down at the shorter.

"please talk to me about this when she leaves, okay?" dave says. "krist and i are really worried about you."

"fine, fine." kurt says with hesitance. he started to walk up to the stairs. "im going to should too." he spoke softly as he started to go up the stairs.

"night!" dave says as the tension left the atmosphere. the brunet laid back on the couch and stared at the ceiling.

" i know it." dave muttered as he shuts off the box tv.
the living room turning pitch black now.

eventually, the home went quiet. dave fell asleep.

everyone but one person fell asleep.


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