chapter two

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hours passed, all three started to laugh at a story that dave told.

kurt slowly felt his throat halt his laughter as he heard footsteps. he turned his head to see courtney walking down the stairs.

"hi you guyssss." she says and squeezed her way to sit right next to kurt. wrapping an arm around the man.

"hi courtney." dave and krist say. the mood seemed to dampen a bit once the woman appeared into the room.

kurt hesitated but looks at his girlfriend. "they are gonna stay the night over." he explained as he chewed on the inside of his cheek.

courtney forced a smile. "oh great! okay, sounds...nice." kurt knew she was beyond pissed. he nodded and cleared his throat.

dave and kurt made a brief eye contact. dave noticed a look in kurt's eyes however – they were in pain.

"hey kurt, can we talk in the kitchen?" she suddenly asked out of the blue. his head slowly turned to face her as he nodded.

the two stood up and walked into the kitchen. not very far away from krist or dave.

dave's eyes make their way to the kitchen. ease dropping on the conversation while krist was smoking a cigarette outside of the home.

"why did you invite them to stay the night?"

"it wasn't me! they brought up the idea!"

"oh shut up kurt!"

"n-no! im–"

"shut, the FUCK, up."

her voice boomed from the kitchen. she didn't care if dave or krist could hear. she didn't care anymore.

"courtney will you listen to me?!" kurt hissed out in anger as he was pinned to the counter.

"no! you listen to what I have to say. nobody else, but me!" her voice shrieked out as she grabbed an empty bottle of vodka and smashed it onto the floor.

the loud noise of glass breaking startled dave as he quickly stood up. his protectiveness kicked in.

he quickly went into the kitchen.

"what the fuck is going on in here!?" dave shouted out. kurt's blue eyes widen when he noticed the brunet enter the room.

"nothing!" kurt objected but courtney grabbed him upwards and hugged him close.

"just a glass fell, right baby?" courtney says to kurt as to make an excuse. kurt felt so angry, hurt, and heartbroken. he couldn't take it anymore.

yet he loves her so much.

"mhmm.." kurt nodded in approval to courtney's question as he laid his head onto her shoulder. dave felt suspicious. he knew it was thrown. especially since glass particles were everywhere on the floor.

"sweep it up baby." courtney says and kissed kurt's temple. she then left the room to the living room. deciding to have a cigarette inside.

kurt went to grab the broom and started to clean up the mess. dave sat at the kitchen table as he heard krist enter the house once again.

dave watched helplessly as kurt finished cleaning the mess. suddenly the hoarse voice of the woman spoke again.

"you done, fucker?" she asked, obviously towards kurt. kurt rolled his blue eyes and responded. "yes!"

dave sighed as he felt anger towards the woman. he knew kurt wasn't safe with her. krist entered the kitchen and watched as kurt puts the broom away.

"i heard some yelling, what's going on?" krist asks towards kurt – more quieter so courtney wouldn't hear them.

"nothing, it's whatever." kurt replied as he went over to the fridge and opened it. his blue eyes scanning across the contents that were inside before he grabbed out a fresh cold bottle of vodka.

he walked over to the kitchen table and sat at it. opening the bottle and he brought it to his lips.

suddenly her voice spoke again. "by the way, i have a tour to go on tomorrow. don't make the house filthy!" she screamed out the last part.

kurt felt relieved as he heard that. she was leaving. at least for a little while. suddenly his lips curled into the happiest smile. dave and krist seemed to notice. which caused them to smile alongside with him.

"okay!" kurt only says as he brought the alcoholic drink to him and takes a swig of it.

courtney walked into the kitchen and kissed her boyfriends head before going upstairs to pack the stuff she would need.

kurt sighed happily as he placed the bottle down. dave seemed to notice the relief and happiness that kurt was expressing.

"finally.." kurt accidentally says out loud. dave and krist extend a sorrow look to each other before turning their attention to kurt.

"you happy she's leaving?" dave asked. kurt hesitates but nodded. "y-yeah, actually." he spoke out in honesty.

"well that means more time for us to hangout!" krist says happily as he raised a fist in the air.

kurt laughed softly as he nodded.


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