chapter four

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kurt stared at his ceiling. his stomach started to churn and twist in pain. a shaky gasp left the blondes lips as he hugged onto his stomach.

he rolled onto his side. tucking his knees up and balled himself. he tried to keep his cries of pain quiet. but he couldn't – the pain was immense and unbearable.

"court..court.." kurt whimpered out. courtney must've heard as she lifted herself up. a grumpy look plastered on his face as she huffed. "what? im trying to sleep here." she retorted.

kurt felt like he was going to vomit. he swallowed back harshly as he stared helplessly up at her. "my tummy hurts..really bad."

"my god, kurt! im trying to sleep here! take care of yourself." courtney replied as she rolled over. tucking her self up with the blankets and shutting her slept in makeup eyes.

kurt let out a cry as he scooted himself close to his girlfriend. he laid his head on her back. "court, please." he whimpered out as he felt his eyes start to water up with tears.

her eyes fluttered open as she rolled over. "poor, fucking, baby." she says sarcastically. "i know something that will help." she says, changing her tone into a manipulation.

kurt fell for it. he smiled weakly as he croaked out. "please." he muttered. courtney suddenly cackled as she kneed kurt in the stomach.

kurt sharply inhaled as he took the blow. he watched in pain as she rolled back over. her back facing the man now.

"better? good. i need to sleep. i have tour in a few hours to go too." she spat out and shut her eyes.

no, that didn't help. in fact that made it worse for kurt.

kurt shakily exhaled. warm tears rolling down his face. his stomach was hurting so much he had no idea what to do.

he couldn't move. he silently cried. hugging onto his stomach in a tight embrace as a sob left his lips.

"shut. up." courtney suddenly says in anger as she kept trying to fall back asleep. but kurt's cries and shaky breathing kept her awake.

"OH MY FUCKIN GOD!" she screamed out on the top of her lungs and started to throw random blows with her fists onto kurt.

kurt held his head as he takes each beating. "i'm sorry!" he cried out.

dave must've heard the screaming and opened his eyes. he glanced over to see krist awake too. staring up the stairs with widened and worry eyes.

"go, go." dave says as krist stood up imediantly. running up the stairs. dave following along behind.

kurt held his head as courtney heard the door slam opened. she quickly retracted her hands back and looked to notice two angry men standing there.

"fuck." she spat and crossed her arms. "what the fuck are you doing!?" krist suddenly shouts as he entered the room. dave rushed over to kurt and knelt down.

"are you okay?.." dave whispered out the question as courtney and krist started to shout and argue with each other in the background. Both standing and flipping out on each other.

kurt nodded. his arms still hugging his stomach as he had a few cuts and bruises on his face.

dave was beyond pissed now. he stood up and shoved krist back as he went over to courtney.

"what the fuck is wrong with you!? why would you fucking do that!? he loves you! yet you treat him like shit!" dave started as he shoved courtney.

courtney stumbled a bit. kurt felt too much love for her. he couldn't help it. "don't touch her!" kurt shouted at dave. the drummer scoffed and raised his arms up.

"what!? she–" dave started but krist silenced the long haired brunet by putting a hand on his shoulder. "stop." krist says. dave shaking his head and giving courtney the glare.

courtney rolled her eyes. "we were fine. you shouldn't be picking into people's business, grohl." she spits out the words like they were venomous poison.

dave barred his teeth but didn't reply. his fists balled up as his nails digged into his fleshed palms.

kurt felt his stomach twist and turn. he gasped as he slumped his head off the bed and vomited. loud coughing persisted out of his body as he jolted a bit. coughing up some blood and more vomit.

courtney didn't care though. she only grabbed her bags and left the bedroom. noticing it has gotten light outside.

dave's mouth went agape in shock for a moment before shaking his head and quickly walking over to kurt. a wheeze left kurt's lungs as he coughed more.

suddenly the coughs turned into cries. kurt lifted his head as he shakily took some deep breaths. krist sighs. "i'll clean it up. dave, you get him into some clean clothes or something.."

dave nodded. "okay..hey, hey kurt."he stammered out as he helped kurt sit up. kurt looked up at dave. "what..?"he whispered out.

"let me help you, alright?" dave mumbled as he help kurt get out of the bed.

kurt's legs wobbled and trembled as dave helped him stand.

"alright, alright.." kurt replied as his head slumped onto dave.

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