17 Stake Your Claim (Piper)

Start from the beginning

I hated her immediately.

I glanced over to Leah who was watching us now, a fiercely protective look in her eyes. Her gaze met mine and we had one of those classic, wordless, eye-contact only conversations that only female friends could have.

Who's this bitch?

I don't know. Should I be worried?

If she doesn't get her paws off of your man, I will remove them for her.

I glanced up to find that she was still touching him, her hand remaining on his shoulder. I turned back to Leah.

That murder on the Pacific plan, is that still viable?

I'll throw her overboard myself.

What do I do?

Re-establish dominance. I haven't heard an introduction.

I nodded slowly to Leah and then turned back to Lucas and Valencia, clearing my throat loudly. Lucas turned to me.

"Oh! Valencia, this is my beautiful wife, Piper," he introduced us, smiling sweetly at me as if he hadn't just been ignoring me entirely while this random woman sank her literal claws into him.

"Nice to meet you," I said, trying to sound polite but failing in the effort.

"Lovely to meet you as well!" She cried. "I've heard so much about you."

"Funny," I snapped. "I've heard no mention of you."

She cocked her head to the side, brows furrowed briefly in confusion.

"Can I get you a drink, Val?" Nate interrupted and she turned her attention to him, smiling and ordering something I couldn't hear.

Lucas gave me a funny look, as if something was amusing to him.

"What?" I snapped at him.

"Are you jealous?" He asked, stupidly sexy smirk still plain on his lips. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes, looking away from him. I knew I was behaving like a petulant child but I couldn't help it. I was feeling a lot of things that I hadn't expected and possessive over Lucas Vega was at the forefront. "Piper."

He reached out and took my hand.

"Do you want to dance?" I asked without looking at him, my eyes on the crowd of moving, sweating bodies on the dance floor nearby. He looked out at the crowd too and then nodded.

"Sure," he answered.

I stood from the table, pulling him away from the VIP area, away from our friends, and away from Valencia. If there were any doubt about whose man Lucas Vega was, I would put them to bed now.

With Leah giving me approving looks from across the room, I pulled him into me and started to dance. The music was loud, reverberating against my eardrums, bumping against our bodies. I lost myself in the rhythm, moving my body to the beat against his. We couldn't hear each other even if we wanted to so there was no talking. The only communication we had was between our bodies. I ran my hands up and down his chest, wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair, turned around and grinded against him until I felt his erection against my ass. His gaze became dark, hooded, and he kept his hands on me as we moved. Holding onto my hips, grabbing my ass, rubbing my arms. By the third song, we were both sweating, chests heaving from the movement and the effort of keeping our passions at bay. I turned around and we locked gazes and Lucas muttered a curse before grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd.

I called out to ask where we were going but he didn't answer. Likely, he couldn't hear me over the music. But I found out soon enough when he bypassed the bathrooms and led me down a dark hall until we found a door. He shoved through it and into the alley on the other side. It was lit, albeit poorly, by one solitary streetlight above. I didn't have the chance to look around much more because he pushed me up against the brick a moment before his lips came crashing down onto mine.

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