Chapter ✺ 11

Começar do início

"This will hurt," my Magus reminds me as we stand up together.

"I know," I snap, impatient.

" won't be able to fuck for a week," Callista growls under his breath, and I just stare back at him.


"I didn't say I couldn't fuck you," Callista smacks my arm, "I just enjoy you riding me like a horse."

"So poetic," I growl back, "Let's go to the river," where wounds could heal.

I'm not patient about this, so I lead the way, while Orsunr joins his brother, and I hope they have no tricks planned – because I was actually really looking forward to this tattoo!


The water trickles through the reeds into the river bank, where a fat duck quacks at Orsunr, who swears under his breath for not bringing an arrow.

"It's friendly – probably someone's pet," I murmur as I sit on the soft grass near Callista, but not too close, "So don't kill it, you pig."

"Who's pet?" Orsunr sneers, while I imagine the Shadow Witch in this part of the forest, having a duck as a best friend. Ducklings were cute, so it wasn't uncommon to keep one for yourself.

I shrug without answering with my suspicions as Callista now opens up his satchel.

Orsunr sighs in annoyance of the task required of him. He walks up behind me and sits too close, wrapping a tight arm around my waist. At the same time, Callista snatches my ankle and moves out my leg to find a good angle to start Incking me.

"When you say it hurts," I ask as I lean back into Orsunr, "Like, a little or... very bad pain?"

"Pretty bad," Orsunr immediately answers.

"I don't feel it," Callista smirks at Orsunr, gloating, "I don't feel the pain. Not the way others do. I channel it into magic – I escape into the Shamanic Plane. You could try that, Shadow Witch," Callista murmurs at me now, really sexy – but also an advisor in such things. I feel like a student, and I'm keen to learn.

"I might try that," I answer strong, until Callista finally takes out his needle.

"Try that," Callitsa agrees, as one of his legs secures my knee down, and Orsunr squeezes me a little tighter. Fuck.

"You're both so precious with me – I'm not weak like that," I hiss in annoyance.

"I'm here to stop you stabbing him in revenge when you realise you can't take it – also it has to be completed so you're not ashamed to have an incomplete mark of the tribe," Orsunr explains, "Stop talking and try to meditate or something else useful that involves shutting your mouth."

"Are you a Shaman, pig? No. So you shut up," I feel bratty, but Callista does pause before he starts to glance at me.

"Don't be a bitch, Morgan," he warns me, and then he starts to Inck me.

The needle has to cut in deep, and the first deep prick, I immediately scream, tensing and thrashing as Orsunr holds me as still as he can. Callista stops and waits for me to calm down, but I'm already looking at how big the skull is, and how much time this is going to take.

"Really?" Callista asks me, sly, "Done already? I was gentle," he was not, he hurt me bad on purpose for calling his brother a pig.

"You fuck – that hurt," I gasp.

Orsunr's spare hand – finds its way over my mouth.

"Continue," Orsunr urges, amused at my fear, "...her heart races like a rabbit from a fox..." his lips brush my ear, as he states firmly, "I got you. Stop squirming – you're safe and you're not dying. Breathe," wow, he actually sounds... kind to me for once.

Claimed by CallistaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora