Chapter 46: Epilogue

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The scene shifts to a similar one, only of Sasuke reading his letter. In it, I told him how he was my foundation, my first real friend I ever made. I talked about all our most meaningful moments together, and how he helped push me forward. I apologized to him for never letting him speak his feelings to me. I told him to move on if he's reading the letter, to find someone who can support and love him for who he really is, just like I did.

"There will never be anyone like you, Ami. But for you, I will move forward. It may take me time, but I promise, once I find myself again and my purpose, I will move on. For now though, you took my purpose with you when you died." I hear Sasuke's sorrowful voice says to the sky after reading the letter, and I feel myself grow with pride that he will find his purpose, but also guilt and sadness at how upset he is.

"So you're really leaving?" Neji says as the scene shifts again. He is standing with Sasuke at the gates of the village.

"Yes. I need to know who I am without her. I'll be back though. My brother is here, and Naruto. I will return and call this village my home once again someday." Sasuke says sincerely to him, and I smile. I guess my scroll worked on Itachi and brought him back, that makes me really happy.

The scene shifts again, and I can tell time has passed. It shows the Hokage tower, and Naruto is being named the Seventh Hokage. By his side are Jiraiya and Kakashi, who are both beaming with pride. Jiraiya got to see his student become Hokage, that's great for my friend, I know it was one of Naruto's greatest wishes. The scene shifts again, and shows the academy.

"Shirotsu!" I say out loud in confusion, seeing my friend in an older body, alive and well. "But he died, I watched him die."

"Your interference brought back over half the shinobi who died in the war. Your friend Kakashi pulled off your plan." Death says simply as the scene progresses.

"Shirotsu Sensei!" I hear a young voice call out to the older Shirotsu. I grin, he became a genin squad leader, just like he always wanted to.

"Ami Hyuga, Daichi Lee, and Yumi Uchiha. You are all Team Three now. Congratulations." Shirotsu says mysteriously to them all. 

I look at the little kids, trying to guess their parents. The little Ami Hyuga is clearly Neji's daughter, though I can't place the mother. The little boy name Daichi is also clearly Lee's son, but he has pinkish hair and smaller eyebrows. I have a feeling I know who his mom is, and I grin at that. I look to the little Yumi girl, guessing she could be Sasuke's daughter, or Itachi's. I think about all their names, Daichi means Earth, which fits in with Rock Lee, then there's Ami, who is clearly named after me. Lastly there's Yumi, and that name means beautiful friend.

The scene changes, following each kid home

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The scene changes, following each kid home. First is Daichi, who goes home to Lee and Sakura. They are married, and have not only Daichi, but Metal too. Their sons are strong taijutsu users, but I can see Daichi also practicing medical ninjutsu with Sakura while Metal is practicing sparring with Guy Sensei and Lee, who is uninjured from the war. I smile broadly at that accomplishment, I even somehow changed his fate as well.

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